Trying to get to grow fast. Worried employee will rip me off!


New member
I am at a crossroads...

I run an online marketing business.

There are certain tactics that work very well, sort of loopholes and untapped angles and niches.

I want to scale, hire and build out a team of 5-10 to run a division of my business that I have been managing that takes me 10-30 hours a week. Last year I was very hands-on with this division, I spent 35K and revenue was 165K (130K profit). Right now I do about 20K/mo. revenue with this division, lets call it "Division Z."

I think I could scale to a million+ a year in revenue with a team of team of 5-10. Right now I manage 2 workers with Division Z. I have 1 other division of the business right now and I would like to spearhead and open more to scale. Build an empire!

Right now I do all of the critical work and I am that glue that holds Division Z. I could still hire but compartmentalize every task independently to keep workers in the dark of how it all comes together, keeping me as the glue and taking a decent amount of my time.

But what would be nice would be to hire a PM (project manager) from the Balkans (Serbia, Croatia) for around $2,500-3,500/mo. USD to do the hiring, team QA, firing, analytics/metrics, team meetings, operations, troubleshooting etc.

A PM would be very nice. But there is not a very big barrier to entry for Division Z. For $500+ a month they could start doing it themselves on the side and build up.

Usually when you tell someone of a great way to make money they rarely do it. I have done this where I show someone exactly how to make easy money and they just don't do it. But with this, I am employing them fulltime and they will learn everything.

Division Z is not a huge ocean, it is not like a client agency business where if the employee copies your SOP's and operations and goes and gets their own clients (or steals yours) it doesn't matter because there are a zillion clients in the world to go sell to. Another competitor would matter with Division Z.

Option A - compartmentalize every task independently, keep workers tasks separate so no one understands the whole picture. Less risk, more time for me manage

Option B - hire project manager, tell them how everything works. Take this division mostly off my plate but possible risk of them doing it for themselves. More time to scale the business and take my self out of the day to day of Division Z.
Usually when you tell someone of a great way to make money they rarely do it. I have done this where I show someone exactly how to make easy money and they just don't do it.

Would love to hear an example of this lol

No clue what Division Z is but sounds like you want to go hands-off, and if that's the case why not just hire someone you actually personally trust to run your business? Also if it's so easy to copy, someone's eventually going to copy it regardless of if you hire them or not.
@veyhenlo i tried to have my sister be the PM, didnt work good enough. One example is her, i taught her almost everything, i even told her to do it for herself to make money on her own, she will probably never do it. It still costs money and time, just great ROI, not very risky. I went from 0 to 160K in a year while working on other stuff too.

some other poeple do do it, i am not the only one, but i am getting it pretty wired to scale (built in-house software, SOP's, etc.)

kind of like car detailing, those owners need workers but pretty easy for those workers to go off and do their own thing, low barrier/ low moat
kind of like car detailing, those owners need workers but pretty easy for those workers to go off and do their own thing, low barrier/ low moat

absolutely not easy for workers to go off and start their own car detailing shop. if only everyone was so driven haha
@veyhenlo ya, i think i am overestimating people... to me it is a no brainer long term goal to cut him out and go from $20/hr a car to $100, but ya i am probably more driven than most poeple
@veyhenlo yes it is affiliate, someone asked how to get started, here was my reply:

buy a reputable course, or just learn about it for free on YT

i do both, fast track though is to buy a course or get 1-to-1 mentorship (free or paid)

if i was starting over again, i would not be as cheap as i was, i would pay to learn, would have been faster

you can do everything free, just takes longer, find a biz model that works and dont stop till it works for you
@veyhenlo one last thing i will say is this, it is easy for me to make this money now, but it was hard and i grinded for years making not very much. so there is no shortcut and you have you work very hard to later make easy money
@jonnylugs I do that development for a living so I refuse to accept it! Unless your manufacturing something physical or dealing a lot with clients directly I could probably automate it.

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