Two random ideas I had that could be helpful


New member
I’m not working on these so feel free to steal them. They’re mostly just gimmicky things I thought of but I’m sure there’s a glimmer of a good idea in here somewhere.
  1. An app for home DIYers that works like a telehealth visit. You can get on FaceTime with a specialized contractor to walk you through a project. Like a plumber can virtually guide you through replacing a toilet or whatever. This solves for minor specific issues that come up that YouTube videos can’t answer. And can lead to saving the homeowner money but not messing up or wasting materials.
  2. A black mirror style app for professionals to rate their clients/customers. For example, maybe there’s a person who hires a roofer or electrician for a big job and doesn’t pay. Those contractors can leave a private review of the homeowner or address in an app to warn other tradesmen about that customer.
@rhs I just got laid off at my job and getting paid 3 months salary, I'll investigate the first idea to see if there are people willing to pay for it tomorrow (permanent discount/premium thing?) and build it.

No experience with DIY, but I really love this idea.
@rhs I feel like the second option has some data privacy issues. Are you thinking people leave reviews based on phone number or home address?
@acmowery I assumed address for that reason but I’m sure there are some options either way. The home ownership is public record, but as long as you have to be qualified in some way to see the “review,” it might not be a big deal.

Meaning I shouldn’t be able to snoop on my neighbors’ ratings but someone with a professional subscription could see the details.
@rhs For #1 -- Your Cost of Goods will decline dramatically (good thing) if you use AI to augment the expertise of real people, rather than a marketplace to connect buyers to expertise sellers. The economics is not there. There are some products like this already, and as a homeowner, there is NO WAY I would pay $50 to someone just to get their expertise, when a Youtube video, however imperfect, would be good enough for free. Yes, I have to spend 30 minutes on YT, but it's better than spending $25 or $50. But use AI, and friend, I would be lining up investors in San Francisco for you!

#2 -- Please don't do this, it's a money-losing idea, as there will not be enough people to do a free product, and not enough paid users.

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