/u/duckyfuzz Startup Diary Days 1 to 13

@mandymum how reliant is this service on the number of hours you can personally push out finding the relevant content? How do you sell your self as someone who understand social media and MY particular business well enough to push content relevant to my audience? You understand there are people who do this sort of work as a full time job, how can you compete with these peoples service outside of beating their price? Sorry for the barrage of questions... they're just the initial torrent that I can come up with ;p
@drmoses No worries! More questions make me think more and help me understand more aspects of the offering.

Time Dependency

It's not really dependent on my hours at all. I spend an hour or two getting to know each business who signs up (reading their website and Twitter feed, learning about their industry etc). Once I've done that initial work, the process is largely automated from then on.

Understanding Your Business

It's relatively simple to find content which is relevant to most businesses. It's just time consuming and monotonous. For example, even if your niche is as small as selling cooking spices, your customers are going to be interested in the larger area of cooking in general. There's a lot of quality cooking content being published each day. I can discover and rank that content then send you only the best of it.

At the moment, you always get final say on what actually gets shared. So if we accidentally sent you an article linking to your competitors website, you could choose not to publish it.

Competing with Professionals

I think balius hit the nail on the head on this point elsewhere in this thread. I'm only providing a subset of what those companies provide. This is content discovery rather than full on media management.

In fact, I would expect a portion of my customers to come from the media management industry. They could use my service to find content to publish on behalf of their customers.

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