Viral referral campaigns as a service?


New member
New to posting on reddit, lemme know if I’m breaking any rules here and I’ll happily edit/take down.

I’m working on an idea that will help businesses quickly set up viral referral campaigns. Building ‘growth hacks’ that will hopefully spread the word about your product/service quickly takes tons of time and often requires engineering time. I think I can help set up these campaigns quickly and inexpensively, so I’d like to run it through you guys to see if there’s any interest in something like this.

The model I’m using for the campaign is the one Harry’s (shaving company) used to get 100k emails in a week.

The idea is that people share your product with their friends on social or via email with their referral link, and they get a discount/bonus on it when they sign up X number of people (with better bonuses for more referrals). You hopefully end up with a bunch of emails and lots of customers who have discounts that’ll hook them into buying from you.

So, I’d love to hear about your experiences building/using custom marketing campaigns like this. Do you think It’d be worth your time to set up an experimental referral campaign if you could do it quickly? PM me if you think your product/service would be a good fit for a campaign like this and I’ll add you to my beta (for free) so we can work together on this.

Background: I’m a software engineer at Uber. Used to be in the growth department, but not anymore. Looking into building growth engines that people can set up easily to experiment with and hopefully use to expand their business.