Ways to Prevent Getting Stood Up by the Customer


New member
Started a service business last week. We’ve been stood up multiple times now and I’m wondering what everyone does to prevent or minimize this.

Scenario 1: We were scheduled to arrive at customers house between 4 and 4:30. They call me literally at 4 when we’re on the way and say they’re not home and if we can come the next day. We politely reschedule them after multiple phone calls to figure out a time that works for us both. Next day we show up at agreed upon time and they don’t answer our calls or texts. We wait around for 30 minutes trying to get ahold of them and nothing.

Scenario 2: We get ahold of lead who vaguely explains the job. Tell them I need to see it to give a price and can’t make it until later in the day. Ask them politely to let me know if they get it handled before I go check it out. We show up to the job and another company is working on it. Call the lead and he bluntly says who is this and then oh, we don’t need you anymore and hangs up.
@samwade Scenario 1: secure some form of deposit reasonably priced according to scope/size of work. People tend to be less flaky when they've invested.

Scenario 2: shitty people/poor communication is everywhere. Remember company's name and start your own blacklist/inform other contractors to beware
@process613 S1: What form of payment do you accept for the deposit where they cannot charge it back?

S2: I am learning to communicate more/better and am definitely blacklisting. Thanks!