We have read over 300 business books in the last 10 years. These are our top 12


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Below are the 12 must read books. If any of the books catches your eye I have also attached a time stamped video link with more discussion on each book and how its positively effected our businesses.

Deep Work 4:00

This is a wonderful book by Cal Newport on the importance of focused, intentional, un-distracted work. It gave me a new perspective on just how many dedicated working hours it takes to come up with 1 amazing idea.

Small Business Taxes by JK Lasser 6:45

CPAs don't always give you the most creative solutions with in comes to taxes. It is beneficial to be able to understand what you can and can't do in regards to your businesses tax liability.

Financial Statements: A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports 7:36

A huge part of being successful in business is understanding your finances. This book makes reading financial statements easy and much less daunting through practical examples and breakdowns.

Poor Charlie's Almanac 8:15

This book is a compilation of Charlie Munger's speeches. There is an emphasis on being multi-disciplinary in your education and never feeling bad for yourself no matter the circumstances.

EntreLeadership 10:35

Dave Ramsay outlines his keys to managing people, relationships, and the business empire he has built.

Idea Man 11:46

The autobiography by Paul Allen a man who co-founded Microsoft, owned major sport franchises, built museums, and positively impacted literally millions of people.

The Goal 13:22

This is a fictional story about a man who is tasked to find the bottleneck in a manufacturing facility. However the story is more about finding the one thing that can make everything else flow much more efficiently. Written by Eliyahu M. Goldratt.

Never Split the Difference 15:28

Outlines and reinforces the fact that business, negotiation and any human interaction is inherently very emotional. It’s centered around negotiation but this book has so many solid management and leadership principles. Mirroring, tactical empathy, starting with no and labeling are all phenomenal.

Ego Is the Enemy 16:05

Ryan studies and preaches Stoicism and how to handle emotions, rejection and stress. Managing that split second between an event and your reaction is what life is all about. The Ego is the Enemy shows the incredible importance of remaining humble and the dangers of overconfidence and an inflated ego. I also recommend The Obstacle is the Way and The Daily Stoic by the same author.

Titan: The Life of John D Rockefeller 18:30

This follows the unparalleled life of John D Rockefeller whose comparative wealth to the average person will likely never be surpassed. He's a bit of a controversial figure because of his business practices but he ultimately did a massive amount of good in the world and there's plenty to be learned from studying his empire(s).

Principles “Life & Work” 21:10

An awesome book throughout but my main takeaway is the discussion on strategic decision making. “Radical Open-mindedness”. It’s human nature to want to be right and appear right in the eyes of others. People who make the best decisions know they don’t have all the answers so they are open to many other points of view. They change their minds often even at the expense of their own ego.

The Dip 21:45

This is a short book (75 pages) and it only took me a few hours to read. Its meant to get you thinking and the real works when you apply the concepts to your life and your business.

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@man_in_pain This is a good list but I am going to say you missed 1.

The book The War of Art (not the art of war...) was absolutely life changing for me. I probably wouldn't be running a business today if it wasn't for that book.
@minmikrub Because I struggle, very much, with what the book calls "the resistance".

There is a lot more to it but literally just the mantra (within all the context of the book) - Do The Work has gotten me through some tough spots.

There is some really good stuff on the difference between being a professional and being an amateur that really clicked with me as well.

It's a pretty short, easy, read so worth just giving it a try.
@man_in_pain One of my favorites is not on here - The Blue Ocean Strategy.

Made me look at business a lot differently. Who doesn't love a win-win strategy for both parties, makes it tough to not grow.
@man_in_pain Solid list. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Two things:

The list seems to be missing "How to Win Friends and Influence People." These timeless, soft skills are essential in business.

EntreLeadership is a tough one to agree with. I fundamentally disagree with Dave on a lot of things, though. But his brash way of talking with people is a real turn off, especially when he's talking about managing people and relationships.

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