We need rules for this subreddit!

Hey Growth Hackers,

I hope you're leaving a trail of brilliance behind you today. :)

I wanted your suggestions to make this subreddit more active and engaging.

I've spoken to Moderators a few times requesting to put airtight rules so we can make this subreddit a go-to community on Reddit for growth marketers and aspiring growth marketers.

Lately, I'm not pleased to see lots of promotional posts, irrelevant and non-growth hacking related posts. There was also a thread indirectly promoting hacking services which I reported and the mods took down.

Here are some suggestions which I feel we should implement for this subreddit (feel free to chime in, I value your inputs):
  1. You cannot blatantly promote your product or services. If you want to do that, please use Reddit ads.
  2. If you're a founder or employee of a SaaS product or any Growth Hacking tool, write a detailed explanation why your tool will be helpful to Growth Hackers and then plug your promotion. Publish a clear disclaimer about your association. Transparency will be appreciated.
  3. Similarly, if you are sharing your own blog, podcast or video, write at least one unique paragraph (500 characters) summary of it and then share the link. You cannot copy this summary from your posted content, it should be uniquely written exclusively for this sub-reddit.
  4. If you're asking others to participate in any Surveys/Feedback/Reviews, ask permission of the moderator. Moderator will approve if you are not collecting emails, names, etc. Or simply use the Reddit poll feature.
  5. Each post/thread must have a flair. If you don't use a flair, your thread will be auto-deleted.
  6. Flair categories: Skillset, Mindset, Toolset, Question/Feedback/Advice, Hiring, Marketing Hacks, News, Resources (Books, Courses, Podcasts, Videos, Blogs, Tools, etc.), etc.
  7. Once a week we can have a share-your-wins and networking thread.
  8. If you share a piece of original content, then you can link to your website or social media profile at the end of the post.
  9. If you are reposting, then drop the link to original post in the comments not in the post. Mention something like - This post is reposted from this source: [LINK]
  10. Moderators to actively remove posts not oriented towards growth marketing/hacking.
Members of the sub-reddit should actively upvote, downvote and comment to signal mod what is helpful and what is not.

I would love to hear from the subreddit members - your suggestions on how we can make this sub-reddit high-quality and more meaningful. Thank you very much! :)

P.S. I'm just taking a lead without the title so as to make the moderators' life easy by providing them helpful suggestions.
@inlovewithmybestfriend Nice but in the end, we'll need the mods to agree with it and be able to enforce it. Now they have a new mod, I'm interested to see what rules they put in place. Anything is already a big improvement