Went out of my comfort zone and it feels good


New member
Recently I was reminded of how important it is to challenge myself and go out of my comfort zone. I conquered my fear and received a positive result.

My co-founder and I are applying to y combinator with our startup, Typogram. The y combinator application asks for an unscripted founder intro video.

Usually, my co-founder and I would write a short script outlining what we would say, memorize it, and recite it for the video (our previous video). Although we have gotten feedback that it was robotic - we stayed with our recording method. It was easier and felt comfortable. We were worried we would look silly, blank out on words, and not be coherent.

This time around, we decide to challenge ourselves and try creating the video unscripted. To my surprise, the video took a shorter time to record, and I think it was more natural than the previously scripted one. I haven’t uploaded the video yet, but as far as I can tell, we sounded better and more human this time.

So conclusion and lesson here: don’t be afraid to venture out of my comfort zone into unfamiliar territory. You may be closer to the finish line than you previously thought.

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