WHAT’S MORE EDUCATIONAL: running a restaurant for 6 years or getting an MBA in the same amount of time?

@sandyanna Depends on what you’re trying to do. If you want to run restaurants then just do that. If the restaurant is big and you’re learning how to manage people etc and you want to manage people in the future then stick with managing.

If you think you want to go more broad with things then an MBA could be helpful. My buddy works for a niche business that services fortune 500s which he could never have done had he managed a restaurant and not gotten his MBA. On the other hand I would NEVER say his MBA automatically qualifies him to run a restaurant. I’ve seen many many MBAs run businesses into the ground because they thought their MBA qualified them for anything and everything.
@sandyanna Depends on whether you want to run a restaurant or work in a different space in business

What’s the purpose of the question?

“More business sense”

For what? An electrical contractor knows more about how to run his business than I do.

I know way more about way more businesses than he does, because it’s been my job to learn people’s businesses quickly.
@sandyanna What's more educational, learning from experience or learning from a book? Both have valuable knowledge but what you learn through experience is wrought with failure. Learning from a book prepares you to avoid the failures experienced by others.
@truthinlight IMHO emotional understanding must precede intellectual understanding.

I recently took a job as a line cook despite coming from the software world to see what it was like.

Cooking in a high pressure environment will convince you within ONE SHIFT why you need to adhere to a system of doing things instead of just “working hard”.
@sandyanna Odd that you came from software and didn't learn

you need to adhere to a system

Building software is essentially designing systems of repeatability.

However, I understand your point which is why you need both levels of understanding. Why not run the restaurant while taking classes?
@sandyanna Let's say 1 year of restaurant experience repeated 6 times, versus an MBA with 6 years of different lessons. Blunt but you get the picture.

It's theory vs practice too, no college course explains how to catch till dipping, hire illegals, fudge taxes, or pay protection money. In the end, education plus experience is your dream team.
@sandyanna MBA bc it gives you a little bit of all areas of business. Restaurants covers a good amount but not all.

Obviously if you wanna be a restaurant owner than the restaurant experience is worth more. But if you want to be an entrepreneur, an MBA is worth more.
@sandyanna Depends, are they running a world renowned restaurant that has Gordon Ramsey in it, or are they running your local burger place? Is the mba an online mba from whatever the latest degree mill is? Or is the mba from a top business school? You get the idea, the question is too general. But overall I’d have to say an mba is more educational on average, restaurants are pretty much one of the lowest barrier to entry businesses to run.
@sandyanna Not really, you could probably write down everything on the front of a sheet of paper and just go down the list. Cleaning, cooking, serving, timeliness etc, it’s literally things that every person does already or is capable of.
@hoping I’m counting from the moment someone starts their bachelors degree.

Basically two high school graduates: one goes to college and other starts off as a dish washer/waiter at a restaurant and after 6 years rises to management

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