What are some programs I can use to bring my mobile home and r.v park into the 21st century?


New member
I've posted on here a few times but about 3 years ago I inherited my mom's mobile home and r.v park and several rental houses. She did things almost exactly the way my grandma did before her back in the 50s and she had a property manager/maintenance man who has been here 20 years and is not very technology savvy.
Anyway, I've been updating things the best I can but I'm sure there's more things I'm missing so I'm just looking for some input of things that may be useful to better manage everything. Here are some things I've done
1. Hired a tax attorney and have her handle all of my taxes, she set up the business under my name as a llc taxed as an s-corp (she told me this was good, I really don't know why)
2. I recently (as of last week) started using quick books and their payroll service, it is AMAZING the amount of information at my fingertips now, I don't know how I made it before with doing everything myself by hand
3. I subscribed to ezlandlordforms.com for email applications and different templates
4. I claimed my business on Google and am using their free website
5. Established a business bank acct and am doing all banking through that acct. Now

So that's about the long and short of it. Is there anything I'm missing or programs/websites I may find useful to help me as the business expands and grows? Maybe things i should do differently?
@evan1955 If you want your business and website to become more visible, you need to look into Search Engine Optimization, and Search Engine Marketing.

You need your website to be visually clear, with highly relevant information and funnels that direct potential customers through the process of finding your website and eventually requesting a quote, making a deposit, etc. The backend (the html that underlies your website and makes it work) needs to have good, clear notation that Google's algorithms can understand. Look at your competitor's websites. What do they do well? Can you incorporate that into your own model?

Google has a free course on all of this, or alternatively you could look into hiring somebody to help you. You have the potential to substantially increase your revenue by increasing your business' online exposure.
@manoah Thank you! I will definitely do this. I used Google's website template and I LOVE it. It's very very simple and clean and it has all of the relevant information that I want. I actually think this is something I do better than my competitors in this regard because their websites are very convoluted with wayyy too many pictures and colors going on. I will definitely look at the search engine optimization and how I can improve my exposure, thank you
@evan1955 No problem! I'm really glad to hear that things are working for you. I'm a total novice so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but keep in mind that there are people who you can hire short term to set everything up for you, and that you will have a massive leg up on the competition in your local area if you do manage to develop a satisfactory online marketing strategy.

Having a clear and concise website is so much of the job, so if you've already done that much you're guaranteed to see an improvement in visitors to your site off that alone. Where SEO/SEM really shine is in their ability to bring in customers who are already looking for the service you offer.

If you ever need any marketing advice feel free to ask, I'm interested in this field and looking to develop the skills I will need when I start my own business, so I'd be happy to offer advice.
@evan1955 Depends what you are wanting to do? Do you want Wifi for the park? IF so you would more than likely pull in an IT company to help with that.

Marketing? Look into rv magizines or subreddits for reviews, ect.

What area are you in?

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