What are the market trends of the beauty and hygiene industry in Slovakia?


New member
I have a list of specific questions which will help me understand the market trends of the B+H industry in Slovakia. I would really appreciate your patience and time in giving me detailed answers and wherever possible backed by statistics. These information will transform my market research for academic and business reasons and may this also help thousands of people out there who alternatively need to pay thousands of dollars for a market research report-which may or may not help them answer their needs and enquiries.

If you are a Slovak and truly understand your people, please do leave your answer down below! Bless you.

What type of retail stores do Slovaks prefer to get their beauty and hygiene products?

a)Hypermarkets and Supermarkets

b) Large chain beauty and hygiene retail store

c) Small name B+H retail store

d) Large chain general store(department stores/convenience stores/etc.)

e) Small chain general stores

f) Traditional workshops(especially for artisanal products)/Direct from Factory

g) Markets like night markets/hawkers

h) Others

What are the main retail store brands Slovaks like to shop from to acquire B+H products?

How many of the Slovakian population shop online for beauty and hygiene products and do they prefer online or brick-and-mortar stores?

Which e-commerce platform are popular among Slovaks? Do they use a particular e-commerce platform just for B+H products(ie. they might use Amazon a lot but tend to use Etsy for B+H products)?

What are the common brands of B+H products Slovaks like to purchase? If it is varied by product category, just give the brands of soaps and shampoos, that's it.

What are their attitudes towards organic products and handmade products? Is there a growing culture of organic adoption and environmental-friendly product adoption? Please treat organic and environment-friendly separately and distinctly when answering.

How big is the organic beauty and hygiene product market share in Slovakia? Is there strong demand for multinational conglomerate soap brands like Dettol, Dove and more?

Are Slovaks willing to pay a premium to acquire fully organic or almost fully organic handmade beauty and hygiene products? Let's say up to $30 USD for standard sized soap bar or bottle of shampoo?

Lastly, how strong are the sentiments of Slovaks towards big multinational beauty and hygiene brands? Are they attached to them strongly and and high demand? Are they willing to consider alternatives of newer small brands that are organic, handmade and of similar high production quality?

Thank you!
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