What bank are you using for you business checking account in the US?


New member
About to open business checking bank accounts soon. Was initially thinking BoA(my personal bank accounts are with them), but they seems to be the worst when it comes to fee waiver requirements. It is not too bad, but compared to competition it certainly does not look attractive.

  1. BoA - lowest tier 5k$
  2. Chase - 2k balance
  3. Wells - 500$ balance
  4. Online options - 0$ balance
So, thought I’d hear the community’s take on this?
@barefoothannahb All of my business accounts and most of my personal accounts are at a credit union. No fees, lower interest rates for borrowing and higher interest rates for saving. The bonus is any credit union atm can be used if on the same network with no fees.

Any time a large bank tries to court me, I'm like why would I want to pay a fee and only earn.01%? No thanks.

I highly recommend a credit union.
@proverbs11_9 This. I always tell my clients to check with their local credit union first.

Customer service is almost always better. When businesses started applying for PPP loans, Chase and BoA gave priority service to their huge clients. The little guys were left out in the cold.
@proverbs11_9 I love my local CU and wanted to open a biz account with them but they needed all this paperwork that the state was taking their sweet time with. I like that they were above board, but I needed a checking account ASAP. I went across the street to a bank too big to fail (Chase) and guess what? They opened my account and gave me a Visa with a 50k limit in about 20 minutes without all the necessary paperwork. I would still recommend going to your local CU first. Local is better
@maryapple Start with the local ones. Determine what's important to you. Low borrowing rates, high earning rates. See what membership requirements they have. Some of the larger ones are easier to get into, while the smaller to mid size ones serve communities or industries.

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