What stack do you use?


New member
List the stack you use for your app and then your app
  1. NextJS for SSR running on Digital Ocean App Platform
  2. React / ChakraUI for UI components
  3. Python FastAPI for API routes
  4. AWS Cognito and Google OAuth for authentication
  5. PostgresQL on Digital Ocean
  6. Docker for dev environment and continuous deployment
  7. AWS Parameter store for secrets
  8. AWS Lambda with FFMpeg layers for video processing
  9. Pydantic for JSON marshalling
  10. SQLAlchemy for ORM
  11. AWS Cloudfront for CDN
  12. AWS S3 for storage
  13. Chrome Extension API and WXT framework for extension development
  14. Hubspot for CRM
  15. Gmail for email
  16. Namecheap for domain and DNS
  17. Figma, Adobe After Effects (check out my product video
    ) Adobe Photoshop
  18. Notion to manage everything, todo lists, etc
  19. The Chatbot we all know and love