Where do you get cheap stock photos?

@borderlineokie Jesus did istock really go up in price. I've got an account there since 2002 (past life in graphic design) and still have 26$ in there. If anyone knows how to transfer that to another account and want it PM me cause I'm never going to use it.

edit - 22$ for 10 credits.

It costs 12 credits to download the vector image I created over 10 years ago.


22$ for a fucking vector image? It's been downloaded 57 times. At current prices they've made 1311$ off of my vector image and they've paid me 22$.

@borderlineokie There's a good site that lets you search by keyword the billions of photos on flickr for Creative-Commons-licensed (i.e. often free to use if you include attribution though some are marked "not for commercial use;" do check; flickr itself has the ability to let you pay to use some photographers' work). I use it for my daily blog posts. http://photopin.com
@borderlineokie Stock Exchange - been a goto for free & permissioned photos for years.

It's now owned by Getty, and they don't add to it as much as before, and you get a lot of sponsored photos that cost (usually istockphoto, which they own too, but they are still pretty cheap), but it's a great source.
@borderlineokie istockphoto is the best with the most reliable product. make sure you down load and buy the appropriate size for your work. Small for web, 300 dpi at full size for literature and 100 dpi at full size for large graphics.

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