Why "no plan B" is the only plan


New member
Found this article: http://www.fastcompany.com/3046338/my-creative-life/anderson-cooper-why-no-plan-b-is-the-only-plan

While it's very specific for Anderson Cooper's life, I think it's an interesting point for Entrepreneurs. I know for myself, I've always been the kind of person who--even though I'm wholeheartedly committed to my dream--creates plans B, C, D etc. Maybe it comes from having an accountant in the family who always explores every decision monetarily first, but in my senior year of college I learned that lesson. Faced with either doing an unpaid internship year in something I didn't love but could offer me guaranteed work, or going into graduate school to pursue my passion, there was no question.

But about the "no plan B" idea, what do you guys think? Should we always have a backup plan? Or does that just give us a reason to consider giving up on plan A early?
@ateche Always have a Plan B. I don't see any downsides to have options. If you're giving up on Plan A only because Plan B is available, you either weren't all that committed to it or it wasn't any good in the first place.

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