Working on an idea I don’t fully grasp. Should I go for it?


New member
I’ve been reading a lot through this sub and also checking some of the links shared in comments regarding ideas.
Reading all this got me wondering and I would appreciate an advice, as this is the second time it happens:
I get an idea for a product. I hear about the problem from a 3rd party. Sometimes its not even directly portrayed as a problem (as with my current idea, it’s just a process that seems super tedious to me and I want to shorten). I start some investigation but going much deeper feels impossible if I haven’t encountered the problem myself.
Eventually I am left with a rough idea of what I want to build and the size of the scope, but I am lacking the deep understanding of the problem.
I feel like reading about it will only lead to some theoretical knowledge and as I keep reading and investing I can’t help but feel I still don’t know enough.

Is it a sign to drop it? Should I just go on, build and figure it out while building?
Does that mean this idea is not a good fit for me?
@chibimaddy Build something you need. This is the best way to “grasp” the problem. It’s hard for many people to understand other’s problems… Unless you’ve been through it. that’s why many founders serve the market they once been a part of