Would you hire me as a Intern?


New member
I am a third-year engineering student specializing in AI & Data Science. I am currently seeking internships in the Machine Learning or Data Science domains. Due to the current market situation, not many companies are hiring interns and opportunity in this domain is even less. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if you guys could provide me any leads, referral or opportunities in these fields. I have attached my resume along with this post (Personal details hidden for obvious reasons).

Moderators, please let me know if this post violates any rules. Thank you.

@angelsent I launched a Shopify app 5.5 months ago for Indian audience.. it is doing well and now planning to build another shopify app using AI. Targetted MRR is $5000 in 6 months post launch.

It is going to be your internship until you finish the college and then join me full time.

10k stipend. Decent equity if you stay with the small agency after your college and work on this idea.
@angelsent At present data science has extremely low signal to noise ratio. Everyone and their uncle wants to apply for this role. Rejection ratios are high.

Companies actively hiring in this space are therefore looking for more esoteric things in the CV. Things where there is a domain specific application.
Everyone and their uncle wants to apply for this role. Rejection ratios are high.

I totally get your point. The number of companies offering roles for freshers in these roles are quite handful. That is the reason I approached this sub so I can network with some founders in this field.

therefore looking for more esoteric things in the CV.

If you were a employer what would you look in my resume. What are the things that I should focus on? Any project that you would recommend me doing?