
New member
I’m in the business finance space. I recently joined X (Twitter), as a way to start promoting my personal brand. As such, I’m starting with zero followers (well 1 - my wife thinks I’m pretty good at what I do 🤓)

I have some family on my wife’s side that have a fair amount of followers - 3 members that each have between 50k - 150k. I could ask them to help promote my account; however, I’d really, really prefer not to do that. At least not from the jump.

  1. Are there any tips or advice the group could give that will help get my material in front of eyeballs?
  2. Or how to grow my follower base with legitimate entrepreneurs looking to finance biz acquisitions?
@estherarriving I’m in the same space, but not promoting myself. I’m on the searcher side and then ended up starting a small biz and now doing consulting

You need to be actively helping people and putting out good content. One post about how the SBA 7a can change your life isn’t going to get you anywhere

Edit: I just checked your Twitter, you only have one post and just joined this month. Get more active and give it time. Like SEO, first 1-3m it feels pointless but eventually you get traction if your doing it right
@proverbs31an Ha yes, the twitter endeavor is a recent one with minimal effort poured in to it at this point. Once I created the account, I realized I haven’t had a twitter account in 8 years and suddenly felt overwhelmed.

I appreciate the feedback.