YC competitors & other accelerators currently accepting applications


New member
Several announcements by YC competitors in the last week (Sequoia, South Park Commons, HF0, Conviction). Put together a list of other accelerators accepting applications right now, plus terms.
  • Sequoia Arc - July 30th deadline. Seed-stage accelerator from one of the biggest VCs. $500k-$1M invested at variable terms.
  • South Park Commons Founder Fellowship - August 11th deadline. "Pre-idea" pre-seed program. $400k for 7% plus $600k uncapped in the next outside led round.
  • HF0 - Rolling applications, batch starts September 13th. 12 week residency for seed-stage technical founders. $500k uncapped plus 2.5% fee (they get 2.5% equity plus however much equity the $500k converts to).
  • Conviction Embed - August 4th deadline. Pre-seed to seed accelerator for AI-Native startups. $150k uncapped MFN SAFE.
  • TechStars - August 9th deadline for New York City accelerator. Accelerators in different cities. $20k for 6%.
  • LAUNCH Accelerator -Rolling applications for quarterly cohorts. Jason Calacanis's accelerator for "pre-Series A with some traction". $100k for 6%.
  • 500 Startups - Rolling applications. Longtime accelerator with a flagship program and many local ones. $150k for 6%.
  • PearX - September 15th deadline. Pre-seed to seed-stage "bootcamp". $250k-$2M at variable terms.
Any I'm missing? Here are a few not currently accepting applications:
  • NEO Accelerator - $625k for 2.5% plus an uncapped safe (similar to what HF0 does)
  • AngelPad - $120k for 7%
  • AI Grant - $250k uncapped for AI-native product startups. No idea if/when they will do another cohort.
*EDITED to move PearX into the Now Accepting Applications group since they opened them the day after I posted. Also moved application deadlines for easier reading and added relative fundraising stages where I could find it.
@rosina This is great. I think f6s also has a list on their website, but it’s the lesser known ones. Also the deadlines are not always so strict. I missed the recent tech stars Oakland by a day and wrote to them to ask if I could still submit and they said yes. Then I submitted a day after that and they said they will definitely consider my application and that it was routed to the decision team
@rethink88 I wouldn’t do, even any of the accelerators reached out (even YC) and offered same deal. I would rather go to work and start working as Uber driver on side till I make 20K and move out the US temporarily if need to which I am currently.

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