YC v/s Antler Residency

@%C3%90oan9919 I'm in the Antler NYC Cohort.

If you get investment, it's 250k for 9% and then up to 250k in follow-on.

The second 250k is based on how much you raise outside. For every dollar you raise in outside funding, they invest $0.5 at those same terms. So for example, if you raise another 150k on a 10M cap from outside investors, they will invest 75k at those same terms. In order to get the full additional 250k, you would have to raise 500k.

You can have their follow-on kick in at your pre-seed round or at your seed round depending on which you would prefer. Some people think they can get to seed with the 250k so they wait until they can raise from outside at a higher valuation and other people would prefer a larger pre-seed round so they immediately raise follow-on at a higher valuation cap right after the initial investment. Average Antler NYC company raises a seed on a 10M valuation cap.

If you raise $500k outside and get the follow on $250k from antler all on a 10M cap, it comes out to 16.6% dilution for your first million raised.
@yendor911 I personally think anything else than YC has not much value in establishing artificial credibility to attract talent. But if you need 125K for some practical usage or you need some artificial push to be a bit more motivated (which is not what they recommend, but it's real value for some people anyway), then probably good to do.
@%C3%90oan9919 Congrats!

If you are completely confident without YC or Antler, you can go alone

Otherwise, if admitted to YC, it's no brainer to join YC

Antler, apparently, it can be valuable if you have good usage for 500K (assuming you can't get external investment), or if you need some kind of artificial "push (ex: getting gym membership on Jan 1st)," but otherwise probably you don't need it i guess?
@patorianus I can get external investment easily in a few months. I’ll end up diluting 12% that way compared to 15% with Antler.

I am thinking irrationally here and putting it out there that like any other bootstrapped founder in early 20s, I have money troubles. If I can get $250k right away, give myself a decent salary to live by - that’s high enough motivation for me to not worry about personal finance and go 100% on my startup.

Feels like that 3% is fine enough to make the choice and avoid the mental stress of personal finance.
@%C3%90oan9919 I think it's enough reason to take 250k then.

But, if you are 100% sure you can get external investment in a few months, you can really consider doing whatever you can to not take 250k right now and get through few months without it. Because just to use 250k as a bridge fund to get through 6 months is not worth diluting 12% or 15%. You'll probably regret, if whole purpose of 250k is bridge fund for few months.