Yet another navigation that is somewhat more than that


New member
Hey roasters,

I've invested some year and so building this thing, based on idea that people don't have good navigation planners, that actually gives you the option to plan your time, not only A to B. It is all about driving for N hours and then taking a rest - my app gives you the option to break your routes by time, find interesting things at the given point, even the option to plan how many hours/days your are going to spend there - which will be deduced from your total time available, so you will get good time framed itinerary.

I'll follow the subreddit's sticky trying to be more concise:

The product (what is it, use case, who would want it)

It is itinerary planner. You can add as many locations you want, so it's not just A-B it's A-B-C..N. Locations doesn't have to be cities, you can add anything you find on Google Maps (since I use their API).

Since the idea came from my friend who is long time RVer, it came from his experience that there is a gap in the market for planners who would first and foremost give you the option to allocate time/mileage you are about to spend driving (and I didn't find anyone who actually does this).

The main target group will then be RVers and other travel enthusiasts (people who likes to know where they could stay and what they could see after 8 hours of driving).

The market (size, competition, dynamics that we should be aware of)

There are lots and lots of sites offering some kind of 'find route to there', or 'look at all this campsites', and they all do well, but not one of them offer the timing/mileage feature.

The dynamics tells us that more and more people are getting into RVing, and this COVID situation is pushing people to go open road even more.

Here are some statistics my friend collected (unsorted)

What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?

I've built an MVP, so all major features are there, and we are currently planning a feature development road map with lot's of unfiltered stuff that will get it's time of release.

We definitely need money to scale this up, but in this phase we are not actively searching.

Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy shit from you)

I had some shy attempts here on reddit, and planning to launch on Product Hunt. Other than that we do some email campaigns (currently very limited), and plan to do Google Ads soon.

Why you? Whose your daddy and what does he do?!? err, wait. never mind. I mean, why are YOU the best person for this job? (experience? good team? rich daddy who can't bring himself to pull the plug? what?)

My daddy is retired, so no help from that side lol. I'm far from the best person to do this, I just like to code and lately product/entrepreneur wannabe. I did this because I'm curious/enthusiastic to see whether it will be good, or fail. One learns all the time.

The site is -

Best viewed on desktop Chrome/Firefox. Sorry mobile friends, right now - it's usable on mobile.