@613jono The same could be said about the US government and any US based tech company these days. Meta, Google, Apple, and Microsoft collect way more information about you than Tiktok can, and thanks to the PATRIOT Act all that information is available to the US Government.

I don't really see how it matters.
@emeraldradiance USA isn't dictatorship under communistic umbrela.

Also Europe has some power over US companies for privacy - there are some agreements like personal data about european won't be transfer to US but it stay in europe etc
@613jono if using Tiktok is supporting the CCP you're also supporting it by using Iphones, clothes from most big brands and basically by existing because most daily use objects are either made in china, use chinese components or chinese material

Obviously you're free to feel however you want about this but you cant avoid china
@dlmoodyfan it feels like a post generated by code or something you did in a rush... for ex, you bring Marc Lou as an example to support your argument, one would expect that guy to have used tiktok successfully, but it's not the case, if anything that guy gets more eyeballs on twitter
Directly promote any external links; I've been shadow-banned permanently due to this. If you're starting, avoid promoting external videos or links. Be creative.

Mmm not sure if I get it correctly then. Should I talk about my app without posting a link? Seems like a huge limitation(?). Or am I getting something wrong?

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