A 1 month TikTok growth experiment - From 0 to 4.4M views and 10.2K followers

@october12 Think it’s excellent for short news summaries, but need to have that hook early on - and be super relevant or locally niched. Maybe top 3 articles with most views from all the newspaper in a geographical area or sector each day?
@mahogany41 ok but how does the format work? do you just generate a simple animated video or do you hire a clown that reads news live on camera, i am not familiar with tik tok at all
@october12 It's all up to you, and if you have the skills/interest to do the videos yourself. I would say it definitely helps to include a person/real face in the video, with clear audio and subtitles. Again, all about catching and maintaining interest. Have not seen much animated content on TikTok tbh - so probably means it is not trending/popular.
@october12 Also, I think it might be difficult outsourcing the content production - I think you have to be creative and get it off the ground first - see that your concept flies. Reduce the unknowns. Then you can think about being scalable and outsource the parts you already know are working.
@steve11987 Good question, I found evenings to be good when people get off work and school. But, also it seems TikTok:s algorithm pushes views at a later stage sometimes a few hours after then you get a few 100s or 1000s of views suddenly. And if that first wave catches on they push it to more people.
@mahogany41 Thank you very much for your valuable data.

I am just getting started and I wanted to use tiktok for my company growth, sad i only have content that was pushed to 10-30 views.

I would really appreciate if you can gimme some tips. You can find my small company page by the name "elixirdelight".
@xneedhelp Glad you found it valuable! Average watch time will be a super important metric that tells you a lot about why your content is not pushed to more people. So make sure to look at that and include hooks in the beginning.

My feedback:

- Right now it is a bit unclear why I should keep watching and what the purpose of the videos is. What value or entertainment are you giving me as a viewer?

- Who are you targeting? Make sure the viewers are hooked in the first seconds - why should they watch your clip? Maybe add a cliffhanger.

- There is no face or action. TikTok is all about fast pace and entertainment. Try making a sketch of someone drinking the juice, everybody stopping and watching, wanting to try the delicious drink being the coolest person on the beach, or whatever.

Hope that was helpful and best of luck!
@mahogany41 Thank you so much for your valuable feedback, i ll try my best to implement your advice and might ask you few clarifications and exemples. But thank you so much buddy i really appreciate it.
@mahogany41 I Gained 0 - 110K followers in 12 days. Not even kidding about this. If you want check out my profile at @odd.ballz

Have a lot of secret tactics you must employ to do this

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