Yet another Pet Waste Removal business, but it's become a monster in 3 months


New member
Hello all, I want some words from anyone on this. It's a doozy.

I started a dog poop removal business 3 months ago, and it's taken off.
Admittedly, branding and marketing are my favorite parts of running a business, so that probably has a lot to do with it. But her we go.

I'm no total newbie to the small business game, I ran an LLC for 3 years, a food truck, and it whent amazing. We only stopped because it was too time consuming and the profit margins were too wild to depend on, and life changes happened, nothing bad!

But this dog poop scoop business is a new beast. My new baby.
In the beginning I wanted 5 or 6 clients on a monthly subscription based service, to help with extra money. Well I got that, in the first 2 weeks.
I chose a name that isn't funny like "Poop Boys" etc. It's a decent name that is safe for people to admit they are a customer of. My branding is also going well, two colors. Black and gold. I'm consistent with my style of online marketing, as well as using art that is within my taste but still unique. I also, bought good looking shirts and hoodies to look more professional over the competition. ( In my area, only one competition, 60 miles away)

My communication I try very hard at, as well as basic small business owner type mindset. Being a nice person for God's sake.

But after my initial boost of clients, I grew to 7, to 9 to 12 to 15 now at a total 39 residential properties. In three months.
My route is very well put together so time between properties is 2-5 minutes.
ROUGHLY 50$/hour while scooping poop. Not including billing and back end work.

Just over 2,000$+ in revenue for my third month alone. NOT including the one time cleanups I do. From monthly subscription alone. Once a week.
The profit margin is massive, basically bags and gasoline, wear and tear on vehicles ( quite low) and starting equipment.
My city is about 20,000 people and I'm about to expand to nearby cities. One which is 40 miles away, 50,000 people. The other 30 miles away, 2,000 people. On the same highway so easy travel route.

I'm taking the gamble, leaving a full time job I make 19.62$/hour at. To scoop dog shit and I love it.

I'm believing in my work ethic and branding/marketing to make me a more successful person by running off of solely my own business.

Any thoughts?
Bad idea? (To leave my full time job)
Good idea? (To leave my full time job)

I want to hear anything. I'm terrified, but ready to swim to survive. 🤘
@treva $125 a month for twice a week pickup, two dogs and we pay an upcharge for the removal of the poop so it is not left in our garbage can. Charlotte, NC. We are very happy with the service and would not do without it.
@collegemoderate Couple (well maybe a few) questions if you don’t mind.

Do you clean the residual or just get the most you can of the grass/sidewalk/etc?

Are you taking it with you? If so are you taking the whole days load with you all route or are you stopping part way? If not do people mind you leaving it in their dumpster if it’s bagged up?

Do you worry about biodegradable bags or just use regular trash bags?

Do you require the dogs be kept inside or in a kennel till you’re done? Do you have treats? Has there been any incidents where dogs have been aggressive?
@rickey7 We use WYSIWash to clean residual waste, we bag the poop up and drop it into the customers trash can. As for bags, regular 13 gallon bags from Sam's club. Most homes keep the dogs inside, when we're headed to a home with dangerous dogs we send them a text first and don't enter the yard unless they let us know it's safe to do so. We absolutely carry treats! There's definitely homes that the dogs love us and expect their treats.
@michaelchandler I do pet waste removal as well but we also offer dog walking, pet sitting, mobile in-home grooming, and training. I make between $60-100/hr most days with a very high profit margin.

I like being able to convert a client from one service to a client of multiple of our services.

You're doing great! Don't forget to stay organized. I love sending monthly email newsletters out!

At the end of the first year, I was making $6k+/month on average and growth has yet to slow down.
@rosemae I cover the pet of the month winner (they get $25 on their account for future services), business updates, pet related events in and around the city for the upcoming month, info about when and where our free monthly siminar is going to be held, and if there was a pet that passed away we put in a memorial for them.