Young Entrepreneurs (15-29 y/o), this post is for you


New member
Hey fellow founders,

I’m 22, started my entrepreneurial journey at 15, and it's been a wild ride ever since.

I’ve founded multiple companies - some failed spectacularly, while others had successful exits. My most recent venture scaled up to $30K/month in profit.

A few months ago, I made a decision. I chose to step away from that business to pursue a long-standing dream - building a platform dedicated to helping young founders navigate the complex world of entrepreneurship.

Before I move ahead with this, I want to ensure that what I build genuinely meets the needs of young founders like us.

And for that, I need YOUR help.

I’m looking for young entrepreneurs (aged between 15 and 29) who've started or are running a business.

It doesn't matter if it's a new startup, a small business, or a side hustle - I want to hear your story.

The goal? To understand your challenges, triumphs, lessons, and insights.

And to use this information to create a platform that provides real value to young founders.

So, would you be willing to spare 20 minutes for a chat?

You don’t need to prepare anything. And I assure you, our discussion will be private and confidential.

If you’re interested, please feel free to reach out to me directly via DM. If you have any questions, just drop them in the comments below.

Remember, your insights could make a huge difference not only to me but also to countless young founders who could benefit from this platform.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
@macdutton56 After this 20 minute discussion, I’ll sell
you a membership to this platform where I’ll show you how to profit 30K a month and quit on a random whim…

I smell bullshit yet again.
@rubywilson I understand your point - I replied to him hopefully it’ll help.

Honestly never used Reddit and I can completely understand how it may come off but read my comment and ask me anything hopefully I’ll be able to get few conversations with young founders.
@kandrew Hey man, can totally understand your POV and should’ve been more thoughtful.

The business was IOS apps, I started with team of freelance developers and after publishing few apps I started acquiring apps, improving their monetization using the organic traffic they had and usually after few months flip it and sell to investors on Flippa or other platforms for digital assets.

I had some capital prior to that from selling my FBA business and leveraged my experience in marketing and copywriting to monetize the apps better.

Regarding the platform, what you said is the furthest from the truth - I don’t want to share it so people won’t have biases in their answers but I’ll just say that it’s not focusing at all on selling my experience or skill set.

Would love to share the idea and talk if you’re interested and open to answer any questions.
@macdutton56 I guess if you can't do, you teach.

Easy to make money off the rubes that wanna be rich with little effort.

Worked for Trump University. Should work for you. People are dumb af.
@613jono I’m not planning to sell their information, I understand how it may come off in the post but you should be open minded to the fact that it’s something that can actually help young founders.

Thanks for the reply anyways, definitely shows me I didn’t did a good job explaining my intentions.

I’ve said it in other comments, I didn’t use Reddit much before and should’ve been more thoughtful with how I’m pitching it.

Bottom line if you’re a young founder (15-29) I’ll be happy to discuss, I know your feedback will be honest so that’s great :)
@macdutton56 Not to sound more cynical and outright hostile towards your idea...

But, it's been done before.

Ponzi scheme, pyramid scheme, ol' bait and switch.

I mean, it's tried and true.

Go forth, young man, and sell thine snake oil to the idiots who are too dumb to hold onto their money.

Charlatans with the cut of your jib are quite the same, sir. Only a tailor would recognize the stitching as second-rate, however.
@613jono Wishing you all the best man, you’re way too quick to judge based on previous experiences when you’ve little to no context.

Easy to criticize and shit on others, I replied to others and what I’m building has nothing to do with selling information.
@callie1956 Hey man, I got few of these and I made a mistake sharing here without getting enough context on the subreddit.

I understand it may sound like another info product but its not about selling information whatsoever,

the intention is to solve some deeper problems for young founders.
@macdutton56 There's a lot of these type of platforms already isn't there...I used to work in VC and accelerator world, not saying there isn't value in this, but there are lots of communities that do the same. Our company built a platform as well, acquired and created content, had community events, different tiers etc. I then went to a global VC / Accelerator and helped build their one, but I don't think this stuff is used much. Founders don't have time and in reality, going on the platform, to say find an accountant that can help you out, or to see your company is performing vs others in the community...or find advisors? Yeh, I just think it exists and those that do aren't that useful. My guess is your platform would then, for a fee and some equity, give access to the platform, advisors etc. Which is what accelerators do anyway.
@belial123 Thanks for the reply.

Few things: firstly accelerators are aiming for startups only and the acceptance rate is low.

I’m not planning to sell info there and leveraging community members to get better deals with accountant, software etc. is just the icing on the cake.

the concept is different from what you mentioned and I’ll be more than happy to discuss further about it.
@macdutton56 Hey, would definitely be interested in a chat! Small side hustle in digital tools, content and assets for the game industry. Netting around 300 EUR a month. Happy with my current job and income but definitely want to go towards my own business in the near future :)
@macdutton56 Just tossing numbers out like candy, sounds like some serious bs. At least add some validation to your post if its legit.

What business did you scale to 30k a month profit at 22?

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