Your experience with šŸƒ

@deecruz Weed is not good, I put 6 hours per day on my startup apart from regular job, donā€™t use weed. I work during est time living in pst time zone, so my regular job starts at 7 and ends at 2 pm, it gives good time to work on startup
@deecruz What are you working on?

Iā€™m a solo technical founder myself working on an early website creation platform, and I need some help. I searching for a fellow dev to adventure with, and havenā€™t find my cofounder yet.

Iā€™d love to hear about your project if you are looking for a cofounder. Iā€™d might considering jumping if the concept is brillant šŸ˜Š
@deecruz I used to while working on some exams and fulltime job. Does relieve the stress, but switch it with gym and running

Everytjing else will reduce performance.

Also if you need support, get a business cofounder - and maybe explore this
@deecruz Sober life in every form is the best way to build a company with a clear head. Not shaming anyone who smokes, but every person and most certainly founders I've met move slower from it. I used to smoke regularly, if was not good for decision making at all.
@deecruz Hate it. Im adhd and take adderall. Anything that slows me down is terrible. Pot is the absolute worst. Yuck. I also donā€™t drink or do drugs so thatā€™s that.

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