Your First Hire, who should it be???

My one person eCommerce product start-up is in it's 2nd year of business, and I feel that it's time I hired someone in order to scale beyond just me. However, nothing scares me more than hiring employees. I am totally lost on what I should look for in a potential employee and what role should I hire for.

So, question: who should be my first hire? Or more so, what should this hire accomplish? (E.G. take tasks off of my hands? Do tasks that I can not knowledgeable enough to do? etc.)

What traits should I look for in this potential first hire?
@eleventhhourworker6 I'm still in the startup phase... but losing less money each month!

Maybe you don't need employees -- maybe you just need to farm out some work. I use an outside bookkeeper and accountant, and I'm currently looking to hire someone to do marketing for me. Later I may need to bring that in-house with employees, but I don't need that yet.
@vpo3 Second that, the company I work for has a virtual assistant service that is really popular with businesses that are starting to grow beyond one person's capabilities (a great problem to have, I might add!)
@eleventhhourworker6 What is driving your revenue? What could you use help with?

Do you need to spend more time selling? Do you need to spend more time developing? Would you prefer to do those things? Then hire someone to do other tasks like accounting and invoicing.
Or do those yourself and hire a developer or a sales person.

As far as traits, you obviously need someone who has experience doing what you need done. More than that, someone you can get along with or at least manage to get your desired results.

I know this is what you're asking, but the type of person you're looking for is subjective to you. Do you want a real self-driven person who can deliver results with minimum guidance? Do you want someone who is task oriented and will just manage whatever you need to give them that day?

That's what you need to think about before you make the hire.
@nyeung I personally think I would prefer someone that can bring my business up a notch. Currently thinking of hiring a marketing person who can boost sales and client base...the thing is, I am currently netting about 5 - 7k a month. I don't need to get paid personally, but if I am hiring someone experienced, then all my net income will basically be used to pay this new employee. I am afraid that I'll hire for the wrong position or that the person is a bad hire since I don't have much room for failure here.
@eleventhhourworker6 My first hire was someone who can do just about everything I can do. Nothing hurt me worse than missing deadlines, so I needed someone for sick days, other work travel, vacation, etc.

She is still with me, almost 18 years later. :)
@cyzy Have you had experiences with VAs? I am skeptical of finding a random person on the internet and giving them access to everything, as well as counting on them to deliver quality results.
@eleventhhourworker6 No matter what position you hire for, the most important person you can hire is a person with passion. People with passion, will go the extra mile for you because they love what they do and they see their potential.
@eleventhhourworker6 The first person you should hire is yourself from the sound of it, it sounds as if you might have a full time day job if so id advise quitting that job and paying yourself so that you can devote more time to your business and grow it even more. If this is not the case, then I advise looking at what you are good at and finding someone else to compliment what you are not good at.
@eleventhhourworker6 Good question.

As a one-man-show e-Commerce business, you've put in a lot of work to be at the level you are now.

I don't think you're ready to hire staff.

I'm under the impression you want some of your business to be automated so you can spend more time on growing the business or invest on other projects.

I'd recommend looking into automation and consider what aspects of your business do you feel comfortable disclosing to the public. Start there and work your way down to what things need a human experience and what can be automated by programs or services.

Feel free to PM if you want to talk more. Good day.

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