Zendo, delivering services with peace of mind. - What do you think?


New member
Hello 👋

We have just entered an early access stage with Zendo. Our tool is focused on helping businesses deliver services to their customer online. I personally have run a services company for years and have built Zendo on that knowledge.

The main advantage of Zendo is that it offers one place for you and your customers to discuss the service, exchange files, and even make payments without leaving the conversation. On top of that, you get a client profile that can be used as a CRM.

Let me know what you think 🙂

To learn more go to 👉 https://getzendo.io

📣 You can also join our community on Slack.

@ggmack Really cool and awesome product. I have few questions for you though. Would certainly help if you could answer them.
  1. What tool have you used to create awesome looking info graphics, videos and icons..
  2. What tech stack is being used currently? Also what's the css framework being used?
  3. What marketing channels are you using currently?
  4. Are there any tools you are using to run this project? (Mainly email services, other 3rd party subscriptions)
@kay1122 Hi Srinkiket,

Thanks for your kind words! :)
  1. All the graphics were created by our design team in Figma. As for the video this was mostly created in After Effects.
  2. We use Laravel and VueJS.
  3. Currently, we mostly use directories for new projects like this subreddit. We also used BetaList, SaaSHub, and many more. On top of that, we use our network we created through the years of companies that we worked with as a Software House https://massivepixel.io/
  4. Nothing comes to my mind other than. the standards like Jira or Git :)
@erb Sure :) Bootstrapping describes a situation in which an entrepreneur starts a company with little capital, relying on money other than outside investments.

We are financing Zendo from other activities of our business.