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  1. K

    Investors want buy my company

    @drdax You have 400 people and only earn 180k. Man I would totally sell it.
  2. K

    Investors want buy my company

    @drdax Why is it low?
  3. K

    A SaaS Solopreneur's Toolkit: sharing my tech stack ($5.3k MRR)

    @believeinmiracles To start yes and I developed on it.
  4. K

    Most hated SaaS products

    @dwc JIRA has gotten so fucking better over the last few years tbh.
  5. K

    From 10 to 225 Paid Customers in last 30 days

    @hiswaynotmine Don't understand what you're trying to say. Also please don't capitalise randomly.
  6. K

    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @kates Same for you? Good that you got one great one for 12 dollar but I doubt in 2024 that's the norm.
  7. K

    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @kates I've trialed a few designers for under 15, it's woeful.
  8. K

    From 10 to 225 Paid Customers in last 30 days

    @rebeccajoy72 No it won't. It's a long sales cycle product. Depending on how complex it can go for maybe even a year.
  9. K

    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @kates I said a GOOD DaaS, not just any DaaS service. Likewise you can hire amazing people on upwork, they just aren't generally 10-15 per hour.
  10. K

    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @kates A good DaaS and a 10 to 15 dollar Upwork hire is miles apart in difference.
  11. K

    I studied how Trello went from being bootstrapped to a $425 million acquisition. Here is what I found

    @muchmorethanthis Thanks for correcting. I need to say one of the first. Kanban layout are standard feature now but used to be novel.
  12. K

    I studied how Trello went from being bootstrapped to a $425 million acquisition. Here is what I found

    @alfie13 Trello was the first mover to the kanban board model. It was also simple to use. I used it about a years after they started launching and I remembered those 2 were the factor that stand out compared to their competitors. All other factors are really not that important in my view for growth.
  13. K

    We Won the fight against Cheaters and Bots

    @wizz You put too much effort in PH. I wonder if it makes that much of a difference to get to the top.
  14. K

    Sports Gambling SaaS

    @orenz9002 Do you require the user's password to trade?
  15. K

    Sports Gambling SaaS

    @orenz9002 The problem with closed source tech is basically that you can do an exit scam. Unless you open source the software then it might have difficulty gaining trust.
  16. K

    Sports Gambling SaaS

    @orenz9002 You need to tell people how it disguises. Accounts are valuable, not gonna want to lose it easily. Also how do people trust your won't basically loot their winnings?
  17. K

    Sports Gambling SaaS

    @orenz9002 What is to stop bookies from banning your account? If you have many accounts with the same IP making these changes it will definitely get flagged. This probably needs to be a self hosted solution. But really, just go to sports gambling forums and market your product. Make a landing...
  18. K

    My wife's app went viral on X and made $233 in one day

    @crabapple Congrats, this is a the kind of project that suits here imo. The design is very beautiful.