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  1. A

    How can I get people to understand that "Estimate" means, y'know, estimate?

    @tbplayer On some jobs, early completion earns a bonus. Build that extra time into the estimate and they’ll think you are a genius.
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    I feel like closing business because all the terrible clients

    @artemis153 Change orders will make your life easier. The wrong shade of green? I’ve already got the paint on it, so I need to go to the paint store to buy more paint. I should be back in about an hour. Paint $20 Travel time & return $200 Crew waiting time...
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    What to charge a racist neighbor for a lawn mowing?

    @nnnnnjor It should not matter if he is a person with good or bad views. If you can be the better person and treat him properly, you may bring him around, or maybe not. In the last fifty years, I have heard “the en word” more from black people than from white. If a word is offensive, it should...