What to charge a racist neighbor for a lawn mowing?

@nnnnnjor It should not matter if he is a person with good or bad views. If you can be the better person and treat him properly, you may bring him around, or maybe not.

In the last fifty years, I have heard “the en word” more from black people than from white. If a word is offensive, it should be offensive no matter the race or gender of the user.

I try not to use the word myself. I have been called so many names by so many clueless people that I just agree with them.

Yes, I am a racist homophobe. Now what?

Can we just get on with what needs to be done and forget the colors we’re wrapped in?

Sixty years ago, I got in fights at school because I was a “en word lover.” Some of my God-brothers are black, and my grandson is black.

I don’t have time to play the games.