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  1. V

    I made a lawn care quote generator for a client a few months back, have some questions for you guys!

    @cathyband can we see what was built cause it sounds sick
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    I started an event rental business 8 months ago

    @vladimir21 Let's see those numbers chief I'm excited for your business, looks like you know what you're doing
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    Help with name suggestions

    @newmove 100 customers x $25 x 12 months =30k gross. Not terrible for a part time job... Not exactly appetizing either. At $50 it would be pretty good, but then again 100 customers is a shitload and may be a full time job.
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    Help with name suggestions

    @muriels63 Do the math and see if it is worth it to even do the repairs. It looks like the big fish can't be bothered but is there enough left on the table for you to eat well? Nija edit: call around to all the big companies and tell them to send the small jobs to you. No marketing needed. Be...
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    The reason's people don't get wealthy

    @mariusk One of your best posts! Really boils down years of your experience. Thank you.
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    Quoting my job tomorrow

    @brownie You're going to kill it tomorrow, and for the next few years. Good luck!
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    8 Creative hacks that will make you a better creative entrepreneur

    @kimmy87 Great stuff. I think 8 examples were a few too many though based on the lack of responses. In today's attention-short society you need to hook 'em quickly. Your writing is excellent- I can tell you worked hard to cut it down- but maybe a little intro/outro? Although that would make...
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    I’d like to get leads for a couple local businesses

    @worriedmommie Because no one wants to sweat, not even in r/sweatystartup and it's funny. It reinforces what Nick says all the time
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    I’d like to get leads for a couple local businesses

    @ben901234 This same idea is posted here every other week. Service based businesses don't need more leads, they need to increase production. There is a reason they don't hang out in these forums for leads. They don't need to be visible at all and people find them. Just by answering my phone and...