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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @jennie1980 My theory is People that want something bad enough + great program that inspires = success. You obviously can’t force anyone to exercise. this would be for people that already want to get in shape.
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @kdot32 This is actually genius. Thank you for your comment!
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @kdot32 How would I make more money refunding more money? Can you explain?
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @hopeatl I appreciate your comment
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @clayjars Lmao my first time getting reddit’d
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @ivymeow Wow great insight. Didn’t cross my mind, although it probably should’ve. Couldn’t you argue that there are busy professionals out there willing to put in the work though (ie they want it bad enough)?
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @dbog They idea behind this is that the difference is this offers a guarantee while all those places you mentioned require a high risk on the customer. This would in theory minimize that risk- hence, making it more attractive of an offer. Thank you for your feedback.
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @shieed1993 Lol trust me, I did have doubts, but it was worth the risk for me.
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @layk One of the reasons I came up with this was because back when I used to try to go to the gym I would always get discouraged because I would never know what to actually do there. On top of that I’d spend three hours and feel like I’m wasting time out of my busy schedule to play with...
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @stdamage Good point. I’ll be honest and say that you’re right and there are a lot of things I haven’t thought through, which is why I turned to reddit to help me identify weaknesses. The idea with a guarantee is that you give them a certain amount of time to reach a specific goal- weight loss...
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @ricesheepy As far as i’m aware, None are offering guarantees
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @kcir Lmaooo how did I miss this comment
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @jadegb But with a result driven plan, instead of a profit driven plan, that puts the client first AND that includes a guarantee? Second to none from what I found.
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    Is my idea a $1M business or BS? Give it to me straight. Almost finished reading Alex Hermozi’s $100 Million offers and im feeling pumped af. To summarize in one sentence for those that haven’t read it, he basically says to “give them an offer they can’t refuse”. That can include giving some...