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  1. P

    Got my first gig!

    @rnai That’s the right way to go. Good luck. 😀
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    Got my first gig!

    @rnai It doesn't matter what you charge. You're just making my point and it's an even worse case. We're talking about contracts. We're talking about working with a business who doesn't care about you or what you've done in the past. If you do a days work and don't get paid immediately, you may...
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    Looking to start a cleaning company need a good name

    @kabriana This is perfect for another one of these “remote cleaning” guru course graduates.
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    Got my first gig!

    @rnai Look friend. Don’t take advice from one sentence answers on the internet. Do some research. Get a free consultation from an attorney. Let that attorney tell you that a contract is not a guarantee. How much are you going to charge? $200 -$300 per unit? 3 open units? That’s small claims...
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    Got my first gig!

    @vantai324 This is silly. There is no trust relationship established either way. Ton of businesses do this. Or at least some kind of partial payment. You get it just prior to starting. This is especially true when dealing with another business. Unless a property manager is going to be...
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    What are the top 3 or 5 sweaty startup businesses that meet these requirements?

    @prothomas This is a poorly thought through question. Do some homework and take 15 minutes to think about what would work for you. Winter where? Most services in the sweaty startup are are low cost of entry because they are physical labor. Anything requiring special equipment or vehicles is...
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    Got my first gig!

    @rnai Get paid up front. Contracts are only as good as your ability to defend them.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @mozes I like all recurring services. I prefer being not so niche and be able to provide the same kind of services across a wide demographic. I've had some services that were more specific and found them to be fragile and too reliant on factors I can't control. For residential cleaning, I think...
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    Starting a cleaning company in Minnesota. Need a catchy name

    @somewherewithoutdanger Least important != doesn’t matter.
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    Planning to quit my C-Suite Exec Job to start a cleaning company - AM I INSANE?

    @mozes Hey friend, I'm sure you're a good leader in your current business but you should really put more effort into understanding the entire industry before you get too far. You're really missing some basic concepts and and history. Let me fill in some gaps with a short update. Back in 2013, a...
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    Starting a cleaning company in Minnesota. Need a catchy name

    @gordonmarry We all have to start, there is a good group here that can help. Commercial is different. Cute marketing and branding isn't going to get you sales. Trust and good work will. Set some goals and priorities. You'll be fine. Good luck.
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    How I advertised my residential cleaning business

    @inmatetalks Where? What was your hiring process?
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    Starting a cleaning company in Minnesota. Need a catchy name

    @gordonmarry Respectfully this is the least important part of a normal business. Make sure it has cleaning in the name and move on. If you have customers, get a business bank account, insurance and start collecting the money.
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    How to handle the stigma of leaving a white collar job for a sweaty startup?

    @gonick Step 1: Give zero fucks, it's your path. Once you start down the path, you have gone from employee to entrepreneur, founder, and CEO. This is the top of the food chain even if your chain is small. Everything has to start somewhere. In the end, if you're meeting your definition of...
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    Cleaning Service Contractor Pricing

    @littlemelittleu2 To clarify, you are currently doing the cleaning yourself to this point and you’re thinking you can grow your business? If that’s the case, then you must hire employees, even if they are part-time. (Assuming you’re in the U.S., this is an IRS requirement) You can “outsource”...
  16. P

    How to grow my cleaning business

    @ron4shua Let me make it more clear. Fuck off with your “offer” to help and get on your discord.
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    I have some business ideas. What do you guys think?

    @eddycharles 1 & 2 : Are called "Emergency Plumbing" RotoRooter & MrRooter are the big franchise operators and also do regular plumbing work because there isn't enough emergency work. Are you a Plumber? Over time, with some decent marketing you could build up a name for an area. The problem for...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @ron4shua Don't troll for work.
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    Here's my plan to start a landscaping business with only $50. Any feedback?

    @exit96 Yeah this dude has a blog he throws out from time to time. There are links in this post. Most of the posts about about “cheap” ways to start a business.
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    Here's my plan to start a landscaping business with only $50. Any feedback?

    @curiousponderer Oh, you're the blog guy.... Go try it and report back. Otherwise this seems like a really bad way to start. I'll be happy to retract my comment if you show success.