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  1. M

    If funding is scarce, how should I get my MVP built?

    @trishjrvrjg You dont need 3-4 years to program! Only took me 1 month to code. Learning while building my MVP. Think that you are only building an MVP, so you only need to know what you need for the "MVP".
  2. M

    Legal Compliance for MVP Launch

    @maygrace I’d say, copy other existing policies from competitors until you have decent amount of users. No point of paying lawyers on something people may not use. While we are all optimistic about our app, the reality is, getting users to use it is not easy especially another social networking...
  3. M

    Thoughts on hiring contractors to

    @faithlife These words you wont here from YC founders…
  4. M

    Thoughts on hiring contractors to

    @faithlife Okay, you said not “usable”. How is that an “MVP” if users could not use it? V mean “viable”. It’s not like the world will collapse if you work 0 - 14 hours instead of 60 during those weeks. Hiring a contractor wont make you an instant success either. Companies are built over years...
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    In-person YC interviews (U.S startups)

    @g0ldbug88 Sounds like auditioning in a tv talent show where people are lining up outside... and when you get called, you only have 10 mins to impress the judges... wow....
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    In-person YC interviews (U.S startups)

    @g0ldbug88 Does it used to be f2f interview? From what i recall, interview has always been online considering they interview about a thousand applicants and there are multiple partners in each interview
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    Best B2C App Distribution Tips and Tricks?

    @colossians323 Agree
  8. M

    We had 122 signups last week. (zero marketing spend)

    @markde916 would love to hear that
  9. M

    Your experience with 🍃

    @deecruz I don't smoke so I don't know what smoking weeds actually feels like. But it would be interesting to know how much people are actually using it to cope. I work full time, too, and working on my start-up at night and weekends. Im up until 2am most weeknights and it gets very exhausting...