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    Gasket - Full data aggregation into Google Sheets from all your SaaS apps

    @quintellavm "Let me show you my new favorite button. This little button ..." What button? I see lots of little graphics flying around everywhere but I'm not sure what you're referring to. I'm looking for a button with the Gasket logo but not seeing it. "This is a snapshot of the data in...
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    EffectiveDiscussions — plz roast this combined Forum + Chat + Q&A software

    @inluvwithjc I tried again just now, and noticed the "scroll" buttons at the bottom. They do some strange things. I don't know what "back" is supposed to do (clearly it's not the same as the actual back button), or when it's active/inactive, but clicking it just shows me a dialog box with...
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    FlowTree: Dynamic personal task coach to maximize your value output

    @armando23 A couple nits: The icon is nice, but thematically and visually it doesn't fit with the rest of the app at all. It says "TRY IT OUT FOR FREE" but the app is completely free for all time, it seems. I don't want to put my to-do list in an app where I don't know how much it's going to...
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    EffectiveDiscussions — plz roast this combined Forum + Chat + Q&A software

    @inluvwithjc Mac, Safari 10. I've read some of their blog posts about it, and I generally agree with what they say. The world needs simpler and more modern forum software. But I've never seen anybody actually using Discourse (even though it's open-source), and when I tried their demo it...
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    FlowTree: Dynamic personal task coach to maximize your value output

    @armando23 You rightly identify that everybody has 3 to-do-list apps already and doesn't use any of them, but I don't get how this would be any better. It says "Simplify your task management", but then 6 inches down I see I have to assign Impact/Effort/Urgency on sliding scales. That doesn't...
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    EffectiveDiscussions — plz roast this combined Forum + Chat + Q&A software

    @inluvwithjc This is a good looking web app, but I'm not sure I really understand the use case. Chat and StackOverflow serve different purposes, and if I was worried about this "splitting my community" I could always use StackOverflow Chat to keep everybody in the same place. Even so, I'll...
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    Braintree boilerplate for nodejs , expressjs and mongodb

    @potluck45 I'm so confused. Is this a sample installation, showing a dummy account that made $7? Is this your own financials, showing how you make $7 per billing cycle? I literally have no idea what I'm looking at. What's with all the green checkboxes? Do pieces sometimes go down, and then...
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    Braintree boilerplate for nodejs , expressjs and mongodb

    @potluck45 I have no idea what I'm looking at. Is this supposed to be a startup?
  9. A - user to user chat for any SaaS

    @peggyr So the meaning is from "magpie", but the pronunciation is not at all like "magpie". Got it. So it's just like the silent Q in "bourgeoisie".
  10. A - user to user chat for any SaaS

    @peggyr Do you have a pronunciation guide? I have no clue how to say "Maqpie". Mack-pie? Muh-kew-pee? Does the name mean something? I came back to this a couple days later (I was pretty confused by the demo the first time), and I had trouble remembering which item it was in RMS.
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    An App That Helps You Be Social

    @xsmbthu3hoa I can go on Facebook right now (and most people do) and see what my friends are doing. It's where they already post photos, and plan events. I can click any photo or text or event and add a comment, like "Can I join you next week?" Why would I go to this hypothetical app, which...
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    Roast my startup: Amatino, a double-entry accounting API

    @nikki1809 This is an intriguing idea but it needs more examples. One little screenshot of an API call doesn't really tell me what it can do. The documentation is unimpressive, too. A list of JSON object types may be necessary but it's not sufficient. I tried reading the sentences at the top...