Search results

  1. M

    OSHA called us, what do we do now?

    @johnb445 OSHA mainly wants to make sure the lifts have safety catches that automatically engage, everyone is wearing safety glasses, they may want steel toed shoes for all mechanics, they might check for paint/cleaners being stored in fire safe cabinet, they will make sure ladders are properly...
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    Cheapest way to send significant funds (5-6 figures)?

    @ardus Vendors usually accept check, ach, money order, etc
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    1099-K eBay, HELP

    @sisterbecky216 Yes, OP probably needs to upgrade their TurboTax subscription to include the option to enter expenses, don’t believe the free version has this option, or op skipped a step/misread a prompt.. TurboTax is pretty comprehensive
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    Is my photographer/videographer charging me a fair price?

    @oksana126 Most restaurants are paying $17-20/hr He will come to your job site, perform a semi skilled task with semi expensive equipment, edit the footage, deliver half a dozen products to you, and they only want $70 ??? That’s cheap! But, you get what you pay for - a real studio...
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    I´m giving 5 quality leads for free

    @lions215 This has been spammed across 19++ posts and half a dozed different subs.. Op has a 45 day old account because their accounts keep getting banned for spam.. You don’t want to be involved with a spammer
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    How breaking my phone addiction made me a better entrepreneur and 10x’d my productivity

    @yochanagrace When my kiddo was 9 months old I quit a job because I wasn’t able to spend enough time with kiddo Set priorities Set goals Don’t let toxic habits/addictions/friendships/activities rob your precious time on this planet!
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    What are the market trends of the beauty and hygiene industry in Slovakia?

    @andramaxy Your 31 minute old account wants a comprehensive analysis of brands, traditions, culture, guidance and statistics? Today is your lucky day! My Slovakia business consulting firm can help answer all of these questions at the low low rate of $229/hr
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    Should i start a "Business" at 17y.o

    @larissa007 You might make money short term, but what is your goal long term? A lot of areas are regulating gasoline vehicles out of existence - a lot of areas are 30+ years behind on infrastructure for vehicles because they are more interested in mass transit and rail/train - your customer...
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    Scheduling Recommendation

    @thejollygreengiant So which scheduling apps have you demo’d and why didn’t you move forward?
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    Scheduling Recommendation

    @thejollygreengiant Random shifts are inhumane, and dangerous in medical.
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    Sharing P&L with Employees

    @west07 They should only be able to see the costs of things they have direct control over Cost of goods sold - so they can change vendors? Reassign laborers? Eliminate admin oversight/costs? You mention 4 managers - who’s the head manager ? Has that person come to you wanting to...
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    I’d like to buy a business I helped build but can’t afford

    @phananh Op mentions “a couple years ago” For it to balloon from tiny to $3,000,000 within a couple years and now the owner moving on so soon - sounds like he just wants a quick pay day Not sure seller financing would be on the table - but like several have mentioned - OP gives us no real...
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    Buying recycling plant -- Need advice

    @matt123 OP has $2,400,000 OP must not have the $299/hr the lawyer will charge or the $1400 the accountant will charge Wait, that math doesn’t add up
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    Question: What is the absolute best use of a small marketing budget for my online kid's business?

    @weallstruggle Strange that you spam this to half a dozen subs… More strange that half your $180 per hour classes are already offered for free on various platforms…
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    Trying to help 75 Y.O technology illiterate car part merchant convert online...

    @chinchilla You’re describing someone who might need weeks to months of training and reminding and more training - and most vintage parts don’t have graphics online, will client know how to take photos, upload, sku’s , descriptions? Etc? Or will you be doing all this for client? Be sure to...