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    How Did We Grow Our Organic Traffic by 69X in 15 Months? (with $1500/mon budget)

    @reallyray79 How much editing and management do you do with your offshore team? I've found I've had to be very, very particular with product quality to get the blogs where I need them to be (meta data, subheads, actually well-written, etc.). In my experience, there's a vast gulf between...
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    A Step-By-Step Growth Hacking Process

    @inlovewithmybestfriend Ha -- sure, if we can trade. I think about associations as massive Venn diagrams -- that is, what does my target audience want, and what is my client or company authorized to talk about or produce? The overlap represents the opportunity. For example, my current target...
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    A Step-By-Step Growth Hacking Process

    @inlovewithmybestfriend Can someone give me an example of associate? I try to do this myself, but would like to see how someone else does it.
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @ignatiusdidache No. -_- I wasn't involved, but there was idiocy on all sides, as I heard it.
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @613jono Thank my father for that gem of a saying 🤣 I can never get it out smoothly in person and I come off looking like a dork instead of cool, so glad I could write it right here! Happy cake day! 🍰🎉
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    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    @seekingtruth94 I've had this happen in real life, where the sales team sold something that didn't exist. Only problem was, they sold it to a major customer as though it did exist, and without telling anyone in charge of services or product. They asked for concept images from marketing, and...