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  1. I

    The importance of bookkeeping

    @dahmworg You want someone who can demonstrate a strong understanding of accounting and business taxes. Some of us regularly answer questions in r/bookkeeping for that purpose. Client references also help.
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    I just realized the app I use to send invoices was sending out reminders at the 3, 5, and 7 day mark

    @michelletyanna I second this. Sometimes, you want to just leave things be and not call attention to it, but it can be a sign of proactive professionalism to send a quick email acknowledging that it happened and, more importantly, that you fixed it. Out of curiosity, what software are you using?
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    Looking for help, insight, information, ideas. Pros/Cons

    @yahu_ From what I have heard, (down here in the US anyway), there’s little or no profit in oil changes. I know many places just use it to get customers in the door and then they make money on upsells and other services.
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    The importance of bookkeeping

    @alangeh Trial balance? What would a tax preparer want with a trial balance?! Debits and credits need to balance, but that’s not what you files taxes from! How about a P&L and a balance sheet? A mileage report? List of major purchases? Payroll summary reports + 941s?
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    Need Advice on Buying a Bike Shop

    @megz1985 If he (or any others) are that critical ("key employees"), try to get a written commitment from them. "Hey, I really need your help to make this happen. Stick with me for at least a year and I'll give you a bonus/raise/promotion/homemade cookies now/later/other." I'd hate to buy it...
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    We have read over 300 business books in the last 10 years. These are our top 12

    @man_in_pain The Art of War by Sun Tzu
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    Home Management as a Service

    @julie2stead I’m sure you got what you paid for.
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    Home Management as a Service

    @missourian101 I'll sell it to you! (just kidding...kind of). DM me and we can discuss it.
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    Home Management as a Service

    @risensoul Is this an alt account that I don’t remember making?! Haha. I have an actual written business plan for this idea! Different name, but basically this. DM me to discuss details. It’s a great idea, but it’s not common so you will have to explain it to get clients on board.