b2b saas

  1. O

    I have a concept MVP needing to be built - I come from an R&D + Sales background looking for a Dev

    Brief summary - I come from the business payments and SaaS industry and have discovered a gap in the market (Australian market) for a new b2b webapp to help to help the hospitality, retail and a few other industries. Please DM to discuss
  2. A

    I studied how Brex went from zero to $12.3 billion company in 6 years. Here is what I found:

    Brex has become the default financial services partner for startups coming out of Silicon Valley. In just 6 years, 80% of Y Combinator companies use Brex, while 33% of the top 50 venture firms ' portfolios & 25% of all US startups use Brex. It has raised $1B+ in equity, serves 20,000+ clients...
  3. Q

    SaaS Startup: 90 days to launch free works

    Hi everyone. I posted about something similar recently asking if anyone would find an in-depth course useful covering the key stages and details of idea validation all the way to launch, revenue and scale and I had some positive responses. For full transparency I will be launching said course...
  4. R

    Product/Tech Guidance Needed

    Looking to validate a document and workflow management saas product in a niche space. This is pretty much the flow. Upload a specific document X Use data from X to create a working draft of a new application form Y that multiple parties/companies can collaborate and finalise. Build a workflow...
  5. I

    How I created a B2B SaaS side project and sold it in less than a year for 10x revenue

    Hey everyone, 8 months ago I launched a little side project SaaS called ComplyDog (). Here's a full write-up of how I started it from scratch, got the first early customers, and sold the business. This was a “side project” and thus everything done was on a part-time basis. 1. The problem...
  6. J

    Cloud Deploy: Heroku vs AWS & DevOps

    Hey y’all! I am working on development of an application and getting to the point where I want to be able to share it with my friends & family to get some early testing in. My front-end is built in React Native Web & back-end in django. I’m comfortable on the programming front, but have never...
  7. N

    SaaS Product Pages: How to Reverse-Engineer your competitors' SEO strategy and steal their traffic [Templates Included]

    You know what? Almost every time I hear about building an SEO strategy for a SaaS, it’s all about blogging or top-of-the-funnel content, i.e., “Educational” or “Informative” content. The truth is that if you are a SaaS founder, or a Marketer working in a SaaS startup, especially if it’s B2B...
  8. N

    Advice on my SaaS company

    I started SaaS during the summer with the MVP being ready at the end of summer at around September. I have been setting up the infrastructure so far and getting a new UI to the software since the current one is ass. What marketing channels do you guys think I should do? Or what type of content...
  9. P

    Institutional partners your SaaS should try partnering with

    Here is an exhaustive list of Venture Funds who invest in multiple stages of SaaS Platfroms: 0100 Ventures 01Booster 01 VC 1000 Black Voices 1011 Ventures 11.2 Capital 212 Venture Capital 42 Cap 43 North 500 Startups 500 Startups Investor community 50 Partners 5G Open Innovation Lab...
  10. G

    In a B2B2C app, how do you distinguish B users from C users?

    We have a platform that our customers use to do work for their customers. Obviously, we can't refer to both groups as "customers". We also have to distinguish our own internal users like Tech Support who will sometimes interact with the app and the B-users' data. What clear, simple labels should...
  11. S

    A Humble Request to Fill Out Our 2 Minutes Survey! In Return, Take 15 minutes of my Time

    Hi Folks, If any of you is a SaaS entrepreneur based out of the US and currently at the revenue-generating stage, I would like to make a humble request to you, to fill out this questionnaire (which will probably take 2-3 minutes). In return, I give 15 minutes of my time to each respondent...
  12. B

    Seeking Feedback on SprintsQ.com - A Journey from Corporate to Entrepreneurship!

    Hey everyone! I wanted to share my exciting journey with you and get your views on https://sprintsq.com. I recently took the leap from my corporate job to focus on developing https://sprintsq.com, despite being a non-dev. It's my first venture into app development, and I'm thrilled about it...
  13. M

    How to price your AI product

    TL;DR - Flat saas fees are great but may not scale - Usage based pricing scales well but customers get spooked - Outcomes based pricing is the holy grail but is hard to measure - Best case you should lean towards outcomes based pricing, even if it’s only 70% accurate Pricing is hard as an...
  14. S

    How to use Spintax to get 90%+ open rates on email campaigns

    In this, I’m going to go over some things you should implement to increase your outbound/cold email open rates. This can be used for multiple industries but our primary focus on this outreach was SaaS. Some Proof: Ensure DNS records are set up correctly This is pretty simple and there are a...