
  1. J

    You ask questions, they answer them 🚘🎙

    I interviewed Polina Montano, founder of JOB TODAY, one of the hottest tech startups of Luxembourg for the Startup Chauffeur show 🚘🎙. Make sure to watch this one if wanna know how important company culture is for the success of a startup:
  2. R

    Don't do this when you cold email an Investor

    When we talk to our founders, we keep repeating that their main goal when cold-emailing investors is to get a reply and initiate a "back-and-forth." You might be surprised to know that many founders expect a deal to be put on the table after their first contact. If you're the next Palantir...
  3. C

    What to do?

    So I’m 17 years old and in high school, I’m a junior. I have a ton of work, and have been dealing with other stuff lately. I feel that the work I’m putting into school isn’t paying off, and that it won’t in the long run. I want something, anything to do that will pay off in terms of making...
  4. L

    Started a content marketing agency 5 years ago - $0 to $4,539,659 (2022 Update, Part 1): Lower the stakes

    Hey friends, This is my yearly update post on my content marketing business. I don’t really have anything to promote. But feel free to follow me on Twitter if you’re interested in what I have to say about entrepreneurship, content marketing, SEO, and hip hop. My name is Tyler and five years...
  5. U

    Not trying to build 'just another community'

    Communities are weeding out everywhere with a sole proposition of bringing people of similar mindset, together. Or so they say. In the end, communities start getting crowded with non-relevant traffic and members (which is why admins are there!) The end goals of building communities are- 1)...
  6. M

    Chat GPT for a quick Q & A bot

    Hey all, I’ve been trying to promote my podcast, and figured I’d share this tactic with you all, and see if it’s worth starting a discussion around. Curious if you might have a use case for a tool like this. Basically, I started a convo with Chat GPT, loaded it up with info and context about...
  7. P

    It took me 7 years to do a 7-figure exit. Stop looking for simple solutions

    I wrote a post here a couple of weeks ago. I recently exited my business for 7 figures, and gave my best takeaways from my journey. I got a lot of complaints that the list was too general and abstract. First I was insulted, but for the past 2 weeks I’ve really been contemplating how I could...
  8. N

    MassChallenge vs. Y-Combinator

    I'm curious about how MassChallenge compares to Y-Combinator. I know the material differences in terms of money, equity, and office space. I'm more interested in the intangibles. For instance, how good is the alumni network? Which one makes it easier to find an investor? Which is more...
  9. G

    Lessons learned after 6+ months of beta and 3 acquisitions offers

    After 6+ months of work we're finally launching Crawlify. We're live on Product Hunt. Anyone who upvotes is eligible for a discount. Today I want to take this chance to share some of the things we learned and improved upon during this long beta phase. We kept the product in private beta for...
  10. B

    E-Commerce Masterclass Catalog

    E-Commerce Masterclass is being updated-Bclinked From 2014 to 2022, her team generated $150 million in sales. This sharing will be updated on our Launchblog at least once a week starting in November. contact@bclinked.com Catalog 1. Start your business from 0 1.1 Business Model 1.2...
  11. J

    Looking for someone to show me what's possible

    Hello, I am a 23 y/o software engineer looking to escape my own limiting paradigms. I am of the opinion that surrounding one's self with successful and driven individuals is the best way to change ones mindset. My local connections aren't interested in being my mentor / friend so I thought maybe...
  12. H

    Balancing maker v manager needs

    I love building things. The act of turning an idea into a tangible item is magical. Building walls. Making a table with a chess board inlay. Designing a logo. Developing a financial model. Coding a mobile app. The creative process brings me great pleasure. Almost without exception, the things I...
  13. S

    🔥How I reached $764 in revenue in 2 months with my first SaaS

    This is my first time launching my own SaaS. I planned to develop it with a friend, but he refused to work with me because I'm not a developer. We disagreed on what was more important: development or marketing. My results after 2 months from scratch: - Website: SocLeads - Product: Scrape...
  14. A

    Build Your E-Commerce Empire with Just £3k p/m

    I was reading a post on a subreddit the other day, and the user was asking how to grow their e-commerce business on a £3,000 p/m budget. It sparked my interest because I’ve spent some time working in e-commerce, and It’s one of the fastest ways to generate money online simply because there is...
  15. N

    Implementing startup wep Application

    Hi every one I am a full stack developer and also an employee in one of the gaming app company (Like Twitch, Discord), I want to build an app and start my own project (Like Discord). while I am an expert in Golang, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Linux in back-end and react.js, react native, Electron in...
  16. M

    I made an animated summary of "The Millionaire Fastlane" by MJ Demarco. I hope this is useful to you

    Link to video: I release new videos often, if you’re interested in subscribing here’s a link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfbLDMh6uGOZePAfqqjVZ-g?sub_confirmation=1 If you'd prefer to read the script instead of watching the video, here it is: The Millionaire Fastlane Imagine it’s 1940...
  17. L

    I curated a free database of 100 growth strategies shared by Indie Founders

    I've put together a directory/database of case studies posted by indie founders on how they've grown their businesses. Tagged in over 20 different strategies types like Product Hunt, Twitter, PR, SEO, Pre-launch, Twitter, Newsletters, Digital Products etc. You can get it for free here. Let me...
  18. F

    Looking for best options supplying U.K. customers from Canada because of upcoming magazine feature

    Hi My name is andrew, My brand is being featured in a mag in the U.K. in 3 weeks and I want to be sure I can supply customers the most efficient way possible. Canada Post is about $10 to ship there, but can take up to 2-4 weeks. I have one stockist there but the duty to ship bulk order is a...
  19. N

    Don’t have a co-founder? Hire one! 🤝

    Let's be honest: one of the most common reasons companies fail is because of stressful relationships between founders, sometimes even worse when you pick the wrong partner. And everyone says to you, find a co-founder! But it takes a lot of work in the early days of concept and launching your...
  20. S

    3 years in, slow growth but I believe.

    💰250K ARR 🔥480K Gross Burn 🔥230K Net burn 📈50% YoY Growth 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬700K ARR of contracts. What happened is two of the products of failed and customers cancelled their contracts and didn’t expand them, two of the products succeeded and currently make us 250 K, and one productis built on...