
  1. E

    0 - 100 Subscribers in 6 days - Here's how I did it:

    Decided to launch a newsletter last week dedicated to a niche in sales. In the first 6 days, I reached 100 subscribers without using any paid ads or leveraging my personal network. Here’s the website Here’s how I did it: February 3rd (0-22 subscribers) - 6 comments on Reddit: One comment...
  2. H

    My Smma Journey

    Road to 30k p/m 📈👇🏽 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdvJW7XE/?k=1
  3. A

    Difficulties and Bad Experiences. Rant Friday. kB-podcast Episode 5: How To Handle Damage Control

    What’s up reddit entrepreneurs! 👋🏼👋🏼 We all know when we get into business we need to prepare for EVERYTHING... The good, the bad, the ugly...and the uglier. But something that most people don’t really attend to—is customer service and how that can LITERALLY TARNISH YOUR BRAND FOREVER. In...
  4. M

    The 200-Year Old 15 Minute Routine showed me how to maximize Productivity in a CONSISTENT way

    I’ve struggled with finding consistency in my productivity for the longest time. Over time, I’ve learned that consistency is best found through a simple, well-designed routine. There are very few consistency techniques as effective as the 15 Minute Routine. It’s essentially a 3-step process that...
  5. M

    Has anyone ever gone to the Aspire Tour event/conference?

    I’ve tried looking up reviews or any info not from them directly but I can’t find any! The lineup looks great I just want to be sure it’s worth my money, I’m thinking of getting the top ticket. This is the link -...
  6. L

    What's Next App

    Attention college students! Do you sometimes worry about what you'll do after graduation? Not anymore with the "What's Next" app. We create customized options for post-grad ideas such as higher education, careers, etc. There also is a large community of mentors and peers you can connect with! We...
  7. S

    [Survey] Student in need of business owners to fill in our survey

    Dear /r/EntrepreneurRideAlong, I am a student seeking for business owners to fill in our survey. Basically, for a project of ours, we have to do research about the use of social media by businesses, and how much these play a role when choosing to work with another company for instance. It also...
  8. C

    Components of a professional website

    A website is a set of pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization We have 3 types of a website namely Static Dynamic or CMS E-commerce A CMS ( Content management system ) Is an Application that is used to manage content, allowing multiple...
  9. M

    This week's micro-SaaS acquisition opportunities: AI split testing, study tools, course platforms..

    I'm aggregating the latest micro-SaaS acquisition opportunities ($0-$100k) in my newsletter, SaaS Watch. If you're looking to save time by buying instead of building, here's the latest. Self-promo, but value up front :) 👇 💰 Businesses for sale ($0-$1k) Upload, manage, and stream audio files: ⊘...
  10. D

    I Spent 4 Hours reading 25+ Marketing Reports and Here’s What I learned Part-1

    1. Pinterest’s New Algorithm Explained The new algorithm changes were announced by Pinterest’s engineering team. It’s quite hard to fully understand who the algorithm works because you need an engineering background but here’s my findings after reading the blogpost! The Home feed of an average...
  11. B

    The best 32 resources in 2023 to grow your online hustle today

    I have bookmarked the best list of resources to help me with my money making journey. I will segment each one to make it easier to follow. I have selected the best 8 posts from Repurpose (the best social media marketing automation tool) & Beacon (the fastest way to grow your email marketing...
  12. F

    i'Ve gOt nO eXpErIeNcE, cAn i sTaRt aN aGeNcY? OPEN YOUR EYES, kids!

    Let me tell you a short backstory about myself. I am 27, M, from Romania, a country in Europe but with a 3rd world country economy, prices are western european and salaries are SHIT. I have been working since i was 16 in the marketing field, internships, agencies, corporations, you name it. I...
  13. U

    Need feedback for my startup social media app

    I'm a college student and currently developing a Q&A social media app called Dilemaa (https://dilemaa.com/) *I just made the website so it's horrible. The gap I found on major Q&A platforms like Quora or Reddit is that we all focus on asking and answering questions but what if there is a Q&A...
  14. R

    How do we update the U.S.'s clearly flawed democracy via a business venture? I have a proposal..

    Hi everyone. I'm 29, and I'm royally fed up with the current state of the United States' democracy. >>Nearly no effectiveness and accountability
  15. D

    Lessons from $0 to 7 figure revenue -- 13 principles to level up as an entrepreneur

    Heya, I'm Jeff 👋 one of the founders of Paragon (an activewear brand). We're bootstrapped, 100% remote and have scaled from $0 to 7 figure revenue. Here's last90d sales as proof. I'm posting today about lessons learned on how to produce crazy results with the least amount of effort. This is my...
  16. S

    For SaaS owners

    Hey guys, I’m going to college in Croatia and I’m doing some research on SaaS owners (how do they live, how do they feel about their jobs…) cause I'm really interested in it. Would you mind if I sent you a DM and asked you a couple of questions? It's for my essay and it won't take more than 10...
  17. P

    If you're interested in user referral programs, feel free to join our free course!

    I’ve been running a course over zoom on getting referral programs to work for my Y Combinator W‘19 batchmates, and wanted to open this up to more people now. It’s based on 30+ referral programs we launched, and seeing what works and what doesn’t. the format is simple - (a) what needs to be...
  18. E

    How Duolingo A/B Tested Their Way into a $6.4 Billion Worth With Its Freemium Model

    ''Beg for your life in Spanish,'' says the green Duolingo owl popping up on your screen because you forgot to do your lesson. But he's not always threatening. Sometimes, the messages are more passive-aggressive. But are Duo's threat's responsible for Duolingo generating a revenue of $116...
  19. T

    ''How Do I Stand Out From My Competition?''

    Lately, I’ve been talking a lot about differentiation which has led to several DMs. Those messages showed me that I failed to properly explain a key part of differentiation. For a deep dive into the guts of separating yourself from the crowd read Mountain Of Carrots — How Companies Must...
  20. N

    D.W.R. - Day 3

    All right ladies and gentlemen! I'm back for day three, so let's get to it. Following LCS day 3 recommendations I searched Yelp for similar businesses (regardless of location) looking for poor reviews. A few things I noticed: Everyone seems to do a great job at picking up dog shite. People who...