
  1. K

    After 4 brain surgeries, I left my 6-figure tech job. Now I’m launching a startup in public

    First, a bit about me: I’m 30 years old. I’ve founded a startup backed by YCombinator and, more recently, worked as a Sr Product Manager at a tech company in San Francisco. Last December and January I had to go on medical leave for a series of brain surgeries. After a longer-than-expected...
  2. P

    How do I invest $10,000 online and get at least $1000 p.m. return after 6-7 months?

    I am already making some recurring money doing SEO but I want to increase my income and I have $10,000 that I can invest. What are the different things that I can do?
  3. H

    Build the Best Product Features in 5 Steps

    When the Justin TV website launched in 2007, it live-streamed Justin Kan’s life around the clock. Justin, along with Michael Seibel and two others, developed and launched the idea. By 2011, it evolved into Twitch, a gamers live streaming site. Michael later explained that, in the early days the...
  4. S

    DAY 8-PRICING [From an idea to replacing my full-time salary in 4 months and hitting $20 Million -27 Day Case Study]

    🛠️ DAY 8: PRICING- LAYER ON VALUE AND CHARGE WHAT YOU WANT. Backstory: From Zero to $20 million in sales Day 1- The Industries that Work Day 2- Choosing Your City and Business Model Day 3- How To Choose Your Domain Day 4- Website and elements Day 5- Logo and focus Day 6- Copywriting Day...
  5. C

    Getting Clients on Contracts

    I’m trying to get more official with my business, which is basically a glorified freelance operation that’s taken on a life of it’s own. One element of getting more “official” is getting my clients on a contract. Up until now everything has been “handshake.” But as I’m putting it out there...
  6. H

    How to Benefit from Disorder

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a modern day philosopher. He suggests that people and things are in one of three states: Fragile, Robust or Anti-fragile. The opposite of Fragile is not Robust, but Anti-fragile - benefiting from disorder. Below are insights on Robustness and Anti-fragility from Taleb’s...
  7. D

    Social Media updates of the week + Free resource for you

    Tiktok is testing Stories that disappear after 24 hours and these will appear on left side of the home section. Pinterest adds shoppable video pins for creators. Whats app added disappearing Images and videos feature in chats. After being opened, content will disappear after 24 hours. YouTube...
  8. H

    Cold Emails to Hot Leads

    Cold emailing has the power to open doors to influential people and great opportunities. Most cold emails will fail because, by definition, you don’t have a relationship (yet). Tapping into the power of email is one of the tactics covered in Brian Wong’s book The Cheat Code. No target email...
  9. H

    Ten Ideas per Day

    In 2002, life was terrible for James Altucher. He lost is home, family, friends, money and had no job. Deeply depressed, he spent all day in bed and contemplated suicide. Then, one day, he made the decision to write down 10 ideas per day. He started with a simple list of things and progressed...
  10. K

    How to start my cold email business?

    I've used my cold emailing skills to connect with some big shots in various industries (from direct response to ecom to founders who sold their companies for 8 & 9 figures). I can't spill the beans on most of them (don’t know if I’m allowed to). I can only share Stefan Georgi’s name (one of...
  11. C

    Looking for a ($1.00 x 1,000,000) idea

    While million dollar ideas don't come to anyone on a silver platter, if you sold something for $1.00 to one million people, you'd earn $1,000,000.00 in revenue. I'm looking to give something like that a try: Selling something for $1.00 to one million people. But I'm trying to figure out what I...
  12. C

    How breaking my phone addiction made me a better entrepreneur and 10x’d my productivity

    As entrepreneurs, we all know the most important thing is speed and focus. But I used to significantly struggle with my productivity and focus when it came to my business. I would start the week by planning out all of the tasks I wanted to get done for the week and start out strong, but then...
  13. T

    [6 months later] 4 unexpected lessons I’ve learned after going through Y Combinator this year

    Hey r/EntrepreneurRideAlong! I posted here ~6 months ago when I quit my job to pursue a startup full-time. Linking the old post here for reference Shortly after that, we went through Y Combinator which was an incredible experience Wanted to share my 4 most unexpected lessons learned from YC...
  14. N

    Looking for honest down n dirty feedback on my first store and a much bigger idea, too 💡 (xposted to r/dropshipping and r/entrepreneur)

    R/dropship*** not dropshipping, sorreeeeee Long time wanted to do it and was so busy with other businesses and family and ignoring my own personal needs that I never went there. Never enough time or money. Well, I went there. I have it stocked with crap from the same old places mostly but we...
  15. B

    I created a Crypto invoicing tool

    Hey Guys, I have created https://cryptofi.co to help individuals to create bitcoin invoices. Your customers will get the invoice in the mail and they can pay directly from there. We are noncustodial so just add your bitcoin address and start invoicing your customers and keep track of them. We...
  16. S

    What are industries with growth potential in 2023 and beyond?

    I’ve run my own SEO consulting business since 2011. Unfortunately there have been about 4.7 trillion “best ways to work from home” articles published in the last 2 years listing SEO as one of the more favorable ways to make money virtually, so between newbies, ad agencies, and others trying to...
  17. O

    Is being an entrepreneurship worth it if I'm already a doctor?

    Hi everyone thank you for taking the time to read my post, all advice and perspectives are appreciated! BACKGROUND: I'm a 27 year old resident doctor, currently in year 4 out of a 5 year residency. Right now I make about $90,000 a year however as soon as I graduate from residency (about 2 - 3...
  18. D

    We built a tool that helps convert free trial abusers and account sharers into paying customers. Test it with us

    Hello everyone, A few months ago, I asked the SaaS community if they had a problem with users sharing accounts and abusing free trials to avoid paying for subscriptions. After receiving many different responses, I decided to dig deeper and interview a few companies that might be experiencing...
  19. F

    The 5 P’s of entrepreneurship

    Passion: Find your true passion and infuse it into every aspect of your business. Let it be the driving force that fuels your determination and propels you forward. Planning: Craft a well-defined business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and action steps. Continuously review and adjust...
  20. C

    Need advice with ownership structure

    So a bit of context - I’m 29 and have an already established company that does a modest $40k / mo gross. It’s a single member owned online business and I’ve built it by myself, so I’m comfortable marketing/branding/designing and product development. Here’s the thing - I want to start my next...