
  1. H

    A Single Owner LLC v.s. Two Owners LLC -- Which Is a Better?

    I will open an LLC for Home Healthcare Agency to provide shift nursing service. I am debating to have just me as the sole owner or list my dad as my partners. My dad can help me with administration work from time to time. I also heard that for a two person LLC is better than just a single...
  2. J

    What companies report to D&B

    I am looking to establish business credit and would like to know what companies report to Dun & Bradstreet. Do business credit cards ? or big box stores?
  3. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    I ask because most of the posts I read here are from service providers. And while a decent amount of the info is relatable, I’d love to hear from people who sell physical products and have to deal with manufacturing, inventory, wholesale/retail/ecom sales, etc. As for my business, I own and...
  4. S

    How Do Successful Businesses Do It? 3 Must-Know Tips! X =post r/entrepreneur r/videos

    Hi all, after decades in business I create a short video with the top three things to succeed in business. I wish I knew these in my 20's. I hope it helps anyone who is early in their business.
  5. T

    Are IG “influencers” worth it? How to deny the ask?

    Since pre-launching until now, there have been tons of self claimed influencers who DMed me asking for collaborations. Using influencer is a nice marketing tactic but honestly these self claimed ones are just ruining the idea. I can’t believe people who have about 2000 followers or lower have...
  6. D

    If you were looking for a hands on investor willing to give 5-10 hours a week, What skills and expertise would you be looking for and find useful?

    I am both a small business owner and an investor so I have been on both sides of this coin a few times. Both trying to decide what is best when looking for new partners and as someone trying to offer value as an investor. As I have the desire to help more small businesses grow (not looking to...
  7. A

    What are the market trends of the beauty and hygiene industry in Slovakia?

    I have a list of specific questions which will help me understand the market trends of the B+H industry in Slovakia. I would really appreciate your patience and time in giving me detailed answers and wherever possible backed by statistics. These information will transform my market research for...
  8. A

    What I learn from my $200 MRR App I built 4 months ago?

    4 month ago, I am just a 10-years experienced product manager without any software development experience. I have an $3K/month job, but I am so tired, I don’t like my life, don’t like my boss, don’t like my daily work, that make me feeling I already died however I am still living. I yearn for...
  9. M

    Anyone know of any resources to better understand scope of how we can spend E I D L funds?

    Proceeds of the loan must be use for "working capital to alleviate economic injury caused by [covid] disaster". I'm trying to gain a clearer understanding of this phrase, including any examples if possible. Can't find anything useful through google searches.
  10. W

    Has anyone used this company? We get an instagram ad for this company pretty often. It seems fine, and the paperwork is regular. But the website has spelling mistakes and other things that seemed odd to me so I haven't pressed "send" on the application. We are located in CANADA. We have a revenue of...
  11. C

    Getting Clients on Contracts

    I’m trying to get more official with my business, which is basically a glorified freelance operation that’s taken on a life of it’s own. One element of getting more “official” is getting my clients on a contract. Up until now everything has been “handshake.” But as I’m putting it out there...
  12. L

    Can you set fixed operating expenses as a percentage of sell price?

    Hi, may I please get some help? I can't wrap my head around how my company sets prices for the service we sell. This is how we do it now: Scenario A Direct COGS (consumables) $10.00 Other COGS (3% of sell price) $1.50 Manpower $25.00 Opex (10% of sell price) $5.00 Total Cost $41.50 Sell...
  13. W

    How can I get people to understand that "Estimate" means, y'know, estimate?

    This isn't really a legal question - I have a contract and all that - it's a psychology question. I repair furniture. I provide estimates, but bill based on time and materials. I take a deposit up front of 50% of the estimate. And people just don't get it. I'm very careful to always use the...
  14. F

    Need SEO/writing services for your business?

    Greetings! I'm a Link building expert / SEO Specialist with 8 years of experience who works with many small to mid-size businesses, enhancing their visibility online. I'm a jack-of-all-trades, but with the years of experience link building, it has become my specialty. I pride myself on being...
  15. M

    I quit my job to start my own business. And today was my first day as a full-time business owner. I am both excited and nervous. Any pointers?

    I shared my story about 2 weeks ago about how a client had tried to convince me to quit my job to work for him full time…you can see the story here December 30, 2021 was my last day on the job of over 8 years and today was the first day as a full time business owner. Any pointers as to what I...
  16. P

    How to Boost Efficiency with Your Daily Operations?

    How do you level up your productivity and efficiency with your daily operations? We all have been there, as a business owner, time is valuable, and efficiency is critical. Here are some guides that can help you run your business daily with ease, from time-saving keyboard shortcuts...
  17. A

    Thoughts on this compensation model for tradespeople?

    I'm looking to get out of my current business and get into a franchise for a service company. It's a fairly inelastic demand service, one of those 'you look us up when you need us' type services. Specialized work, yet something you can learn on the job. Some indoor mostly outdoor work, and...
  18. B

    Only 10 sales in 9 months on e-commerce store. What am doing wrong?

    I was hoping to get sales from social media but I don’t get much traffic. If I boost a post I might get 10 people a day.
  19. A

    Should I create a second X/Twitter account?

    My business is an online store selling biology equipment for a specific group of animals (think molluscs or microbes.) I have a Twitter account with my store's name that I post to once or twice a month with new products and other news. The majority of the posts are retweets of other people's...
  20. T

    Possibility of getting a loan for a E-Commerce business that’s been open for 6 months?

    We need around $8k-$10k to keep the ball rolling. Are there any banks out there or companies willing to loan that much to as relatively new E-Commerce business? We’re doing $5k in a sales a month and showing huge promise.