roast my startup

  1. N

    Roast my online content service - Grumpytext

    Grumpytext provides unlimited blog content for Brands at a fixed fee w/ SEO keyword research and analysis. Grumpytext is an online content service that doesn't limit you. No hourly billing, no contracts, cancel anytime. All the content you need, composed by master UK & US authors for a flat...
  2. T

    What features you miss in uptime monitoring? 🤔

    I'm building yet another uptime monitoring service. This app checks that your site is up & running and notifies you when it's not. I know there are tons of them and it's hard to think of some unique propositions, but I spent (gosh 😱 ) more than 600 hours building this so I'd either make it...
  3. B

    AI Image Generation & Editing API - Save Time & Reduce Access Cost

    Hi there, Here is my product, roast away! I'm working on a API platform, it's called, there are over 100 APIs and 10,000+ models, such as AI Image generator, AI Image Editor, AI Image Enhancer, Face Editor, AI Video Generator, and LoRA Training API to help developers to accelerate...
  4. A

    FlowTree: Dynamic personal task coach to maximize your value output

    Thanks for any feedback! FlowTree is an automated todo list maximizing personal effectiveness by suggesting the best tasks to work on Target audience: - primary: people working on several different ‘projects’ in parallel, with lots of different tasks coming from several...
  5. G

    Moosed - Challenge App

    We created a fun challenge app out of our free time. Would love u to test it and feedback us! Product description: Does your loved one have annoying #habits? Or friend needs a slight push to step beyond their #comfortzone? Honey, we built an app to help you out! With Moosed app you can...
  6. J - Start of my Indie Dev journey !

    Hey, I've been around the Indie Dev community for a while following the big names on twitter and other social media platforms, and always loved the idea of creating simple, minimalistic products that just get the job done. First one I decided to build is, which is a solution...
  7. S

    Fitory - Empower you to become healthier through nutrition

    The product Fitory provides a web/mobile platform for discovering and communicating between nutritionists and potential clients. It beats emails, phone calls and text messages because every update is displayed in a timeline for both client and the expert. It reminds a client of his meal times...
  8. C

    File manager worthy od the year 2021

    URL: The product: FileCollager is a next-gen file manager nearing beta release with lots of unique features: -Ability to undo/redo operations (wherever possible), in and out of order -Queuing operations and working on files that are not yet there (i.e. you can queue an...
  9. J

    Roast me 🦃: A 'smart' read-it-later to improve knowledge retention

    Hi community, First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this. I'll try to keep it simple. The gist of it: A read it later app with built in tools and techniques to improve knowledge retention. This will be in the vein of Readwise, but more 'focused' on knowledge retention with a...
  10. I

    [Feedback] Roast Talkyard

    The product: — discussion software, for customer/internal support and ideation. The market: Some billion dollars: "Gartner predicts the workstream collaboration market will reach $4.9 billion by 2021": The...
  11. L

    Shred my dreams: an app/program to automatically lock/unlock your PC with your Android phone

    Umwelt locks and unlocks your PC automatically, without any typing, by measuring the intensity of the Bluetooth signal from your phone or Android smartwatch. When your phone/watch is close to the computer it unlocks the PC, when you go away it locks it. It makes it easy to implement more secure...
  12. L

    Roast my startup idea

    My idea is a credit card that combines traditional payment functionalities with a premium bond-style incentive system. Users can make everyday purchases with this card, akin to using an American Express card, but with an added twist: for every pound spent, they receive an entry into a daily...
  13. F

    [SaaS] BestTime - Forecast popular times of public businesses + analytics

    I'm excited to launch my first product: Product Hunt launch: forecasts how busy public businesses will be. All you have to do is type the name and address of the public business. For each public business BestTime will...
  14. B

    Autonomous Business Management Companion for the Wellness Industry powered by AI

    Hi, We built an Autonomous Business Management Companion for the Wellness Industry powered by AI with its own Rate-Driven Smart Marketplace. I took my Spa from $80k to $800k in 7 years.Our pilot program generated over $60k in seven months. This product is not 'yet another' ChatGPT wrap. Our...
  15. A

    Todorant — my todo list app that uses cognitive psychology to trick brain into completing tasks

    Hello everyone! I invite you to roast my new project — It's a smart todo list app that focuses on getting users into the habit of completing tasks — it does not focus on organizing, automating and storing tasks like all the other competitors. I read 20+ books on productivity...
  16. G

    QuickQ - internal Q&A for organizations on Slack The product is an internal Q&A tool for teams/organizations. It consists of a web app where you can read/post questions and answers for your team, and a Slack app that allows you to post questions, search/post questions that have already been answered, and answer questions...
  17. M

    Roast my idea: Online Course

    Hey there, I’m currently working on a course that teaches you how to best leverage AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot X to increase your productivity and your value as a developer. I’ve been looking to learn those skills for some time because I think developers using those tools will...
  18. R

    Just launched a transactional email service, let 'er rip!

    Product: AhaSend I've been running a project management startup since 2014 that sends loads of transactional emails (notifications, reports, etc), and about 3 or 4 years ago, the cost of sending emails got to a point where it started making sense to do it myself. I built the infrastructure for...
  19. I

    Roast my app: an AI-powered event planning app makes planning hangout a breeze

    I built a free app (website) that allows users to plan an event (for example, go to restaurant A for dinner, spot B to view the sunset, and get dessert at a gelato shop C) and share it across your friends. Features: Presents curated event ideas that match your preference and taste. Ability to...
  20. I

    EffectiveDiscussions — plz roast this combined Forum + Chat + Q&A software

    Hi! Can I please have my startup roasted? (Is that "question" clear enough? :- )) About the product, and unique selling point: EffectiveDiscussions (ED) is Forum software with Chat and Question-&-Answers features. Often, organizations setup a chat (e.g. Slack), a forum (e.g. Discourse) + use...