roast my startup

  1. L

    UpRank - feedback collection platform

    I’m developer and IT consultant working in number of online start-ups and doing implementation work for clients. Feedback is important to me; it helps to improve my skills and receive early comments for my business ideas. I wanted to have a platform where individuals like consultants, doctors...
  2. P

    Braintree boilerplate for nodejs , expressjs and mongodb

    WordPress is severely limited , MongodB is great , CMS for NodeJS is poor , hence a commercialization platform for NodeJS!
  3. A

    [FEEBACK] Foresight, Fantasy Stock and Cryptocurrency Trading Game with Real Prizes

    Product: Foresight is a fantasy stock and cryptocurrency trading game where users compete head to head for prizes. Features: You start with $10,000 to spend on stocks and cryptocurrencies. Create a game, make your picks and match against a competitor. Winnings go towards our weekly...
  4. R

    Fintest – Could you pass a personal finance Stress Test? (

    Hi all! I’ve been working for 5 years in banking, concretely, with the supervisory stress tests of banks conducted by the Federal Reserve and the BCE (in Europe). A bank stress test is an analysis conducted under hypothetical unfavorable economic scenarios, such as a deep recession or financial...
  5. L

    Calendar for the dreamers

    Product Spatial calendar. Like a regular one, but uses the human spatial perception to show what's close and what's far in time. Rich with color schemes for mood and better recall. Use case: Currently, fit for casual personal planning for single-occurrence events and as a nicer view for your...
  6. L

    Meal Inventor: web app that creates recipes that satisfy your calorie and macronutrient goals, using ingredients you already have at home

    The Product: Meal Inventor is a web app that creates recipes that satisfy your calorie and macronutrient goals, using ingredients you already have at home. (If your pantry looks like you just moved in yesterday then it will suggest what you should buy.) In addition it will make you a shopping...
  7. S

    [Idea] Wedding Marketplace idea for users and vendors

    Hello guys, I just stumbled on this subreddit and wanted to have my idea roasted. I will try and keep it simple. This idea is to create a marketplace platform for connecting people getting married as well as wedding vendors. Pain points: I thought of this idea while trying to get my own...
  8. M

    social media management and automation

    So I am the founder of a new social media management and automation tool. It has post scheduling. Social Inbox. Automations. It supports facebook, twitter and Instagram as of now. You can check it here: Now I want you to tell me why you are not going to use it or why you...
  9. T

    CtrlB- Understand Code Flow in Production

    Website: It takes 2 minutes to get started: The Product: CtrlB allows you to add dynamic logs in real-time data on production without having to redeploy! It captures the entire stack trace and active variable to give you a...
  10. T

    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    THIS IS JUST AN IDEA I want to disrupt the clothing retail industry more than ecommerce and online shopping has already. I want to bring the Sharing economy or some call it the peer to peer economy into the clothing retail space, such as how Uber has totally disrupted the taxi transportation...
  11. J

    Passphrase Manager

    Hi everyone! Whenever you have a minute, checkout the latest entry in the password management space—it’s called Passphrase, and it’s an iPhone app which enables: Passphrase and password generation Autofill in the browser via share extensions Face ID & Touch ID on supported devices And a few...
  12. A

    AI Property assistant that finds your dream home based on YOUR LIFESTYLE 🎯🏠 [Roast away!]

    1. Problem House-hunting is both stressful and time-consuming, with a disjointed and unclear path that often leaves home finders feeling unsupported. The flood of irrelevant listings on property portals and misaligned incentives of agents only worsens the experience. 2. The product (what is...
  13. B

    Personal Assistant for the Self-Employed to Reach Goals

    Hey there, We are doing everything we can to help contractors (like rideshare drivers) get better transparency around their finances. My business partner and I have quit our jobs for this mission. As contractors and drivers ourselves, we believe that we deserve better. Monett is the personal...
  14. P - user to user chat for any SaaS

    The product: Maqpie - user to user chat that can be added to any SaaS app in under 10 minutes to enable efficient communication and improve user retention. Mapqie brings a chat to your app without development at all. Think Slack within your app. One-to-one, group conversations, emojis, file...
  15. E

    Roast my startup - Open Lowcode - The next step when a spreadsheet is not enough

    Open Lowcode is a solution for rapid development of specific enterprise software. With Open Lowcode, you can develop quickly specific software by assembling pre-existing software bricks to your exact requirements. In a few hours or at most a few days of work, you get a real multi-user...
  16. B

    RiteTag Pro: instant hashtags for any photo or text post, for Instagram, Twitter and beyond - you can do a free trial with no credit card pre-auth; it just expires if you do not proactively decide to upgrade so, a warm welcome to have at it. What is RiteTag Pro? It is an instant hashtag solution for photos and for text, delivered by mobile app and browser extension...
  17. F

    Efficiency Improvement Service for Small Accounting Firms

    Product: Management Consulting & Tech Service to improve operational efficiency for small accounting firms (2-15 headcount). Service includes: Implementation and configuration of a secure client portal (like MS-SharePoint) eliminating all email for transfer of files and document and includes...
  18. P

    odix - Malware free files

    odix develops and markets advanced anti-malware tools based on Content Disarm and Reconstruct (CDR) technology for preventative cybersecurity in enterprises of all sizes. odix’s technology prevents the malware infiltration to organizational networks by removing all malicious code from a wide...
  19. N

    A app that aims to replace addressbooks/invite pages Purpose: open up the contact book as a channel for apps to increase their growth Technologies Used: The motivation behind this app is that there isn’t a strong distribution channel for invites in the address book. the...
  20. M

    Roast my idea: Visual reviews for websites

    Hello r/roastmystartup! I've been working on validating the following idea for the last few weeks. I'm curious about your feedback. Here we go 🔥 Idea Visual feedback tool for live websites (tentatively called ReviewLayer) The Problem Getting feedback from designers on websites you’ve...