
  1. B

    What do you guys do for R&D tax credits? Looking at Mainstreet vs Fondo vs Neotax

    Unsure what section 174 will end up looking like - supposedly to be amended but wtfk. We're considering moving forward with an application this year but don’t know if we should do it ourselves. For what it's worth, I've heard that most R&D firms charge clients a percentage of what they save you...
  2. D

    Free LIVE Q&A Session with SaaS Expert about 9 Sales Accelerators

    Hey guys, 🔴 Tomorrow at 1pm Central Time we'll GO LIVE to talk about the 9 Sales Accelerators that every B2B startup needs to build a repeatable, scalable sales process. Special guest is Scott Sambucci, the Chief Sales Geek at SalesQualia. If you're interested, here's more information...
  3. R

    How ?

    Hey, I am the founder of two different SAAS products , I want to keep those products free . But I also have to earn money through this product so is there a way through which I can put some ads in this SAAS products ? These are the products btw you can check it out ⬇️ 1.markelid ...
  4. B

    Pricing model for K-5 personalized learning | Any ideas?

    Hey everyone! I've spent over a year developing a personalized learning platform for K-5 math. It's been a challenging journey, especially when it comes to deciding on the pricing model. Currently, I offer free child accounts that can link to a paid premium educator/parent account. Each premium...
  5. B

    People are using the free trial of my SaaS but not paying for it to keep using it. How to fix it and make them pay?

    I launched this SaaS in January 15 and a lot of people joined, they were saying that they loved it, it is a very cool SaaS, etc. the numbers were fantastic. More than 60 users subscribed and 25 active users in a month, however, they’ve only used the trial time and then don’t wanna pay for it...
  6. B

    Experimenting with Paid Ads on X and Reddit: Here's What Happened

    Hey everyone! I'm on the challenging journey of promoting my new platform, WiseWriter , to reach my target audience. I've experimented with various strategies: Social Media (primarily X and Reddit) Online Directories (Great for traffic and sign-ups while featured on the homepage) Cold DMs on X...
  7. J

    Chat w/ your CSV files

    What After 2 years, and 2 pivots We launched Nexa, an AI analytics web app, that lets you chat with your CSVs, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. Our AI can then generate charts and tables in our Notion like editor! Take a look if you’re interested! How you open up a nexa dashboard...
  8. M

    You need to do lifetime deals if you're just starting out

    A lot of founders are anti-lifetime deals. They don't think it's a sustainable business model, or their egos are too big to "support a bunch of non-paying users for life." But here's the thing: lifetime deals (LTD) is not a business model. Rather it's a funding model. LTD is a funding model...
  9. K

    Just got my first paid subscriber!

    I’m super stoked to announce that I have my first paying customer! It’s only $9.99 / month…. But it’s a start. My niche is super small but I’m glad people are finding value in it. It’s a campsite cancellation tool I built that checks popular California Coastal Campgrounds and lets my users...
  10. G

    I’m Launching a database of hundreds of Communities you can use to Promote your Product

    I’ve been passionate about Communities for a while now and decided I’d build a useful product. A database of 500+ Slack, Discord, slack and guest posting opportunities to help you promote your product. Finding the right communities takes hours and manual googling sucks. My goal with with...
  11. S

    Is it worth running around $1000 in ads if I'm targeting developers?

    I've built up a decent amount of content through: -Blog posts -Linked In content -X content But, I don' t have much of an audience. I know my ICP well: -Aspiring and Junior-mid developers with < 3years of experience I've never really ran ads, but if $1000 can get me the first 20 - 100...
  12. S

    Need advice. How’d you promote this service?

    Hey guys, So, my buddy and I have been working hard on this cool little service that helps you save 50% or more on USDT TRC20 transfer fees. It's super user-friendly and doesn't require any of that complicated wallet connecting, permission transferring, sharing seed phrases, or any other...
  13. A

    E&Y, Pitchbook, and others forecast a 40% decline in VC investing

    VC and Angel funding will decline by 40% in 2023, resulting in a net decline of $80B available to startups. This will create a more competitive and selective environment for new capital, and M&A activity will have a high bar. Startups should focus on business fundamentals, financial health, and...
  14. X

    Finished Building an AI Caller, Unsure About Launching – Advice?

    I made an AI caller, where one can talk with AI on a phone number. Had tweaked it to a use case: where I can delegate the AI to call someone on my behalf &hold the conversation. Once the call is done, it summarizes the conversation & sends it to my WhatsApp/Slack/other. Example, 1. Call...
  15. B

    What do you do if your boss or client doesn't understand the value of AI (or are worried about using it)?

    With AI, show is always, always, always better than tell. It's a new concept. It's a vague term. And it means different things to different people. So it's no wonder clients and management teams are sceptical, worried, or hesitant. They need to see, with their own eyes, how AI can: - Do the...
  16. L

    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    I researched over 5000 Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns. I identified 10 companies that I feel could become unicorns very soon based on several factors including growth rates, hiring trends, and leadership. I then ranked them on a few metrics and...
  17. N

    What are your pro tips for analyzing payments subscription data (e.g. Stripe)?

    Hey founders, how do you analyze and derive insights on your Subscription data? Specifically how do you calculate and report on metrics like MRR, churn rate, refund rate. And dimensions or insights to help understand where these metrics are most extreme? I know there are tools for later stage...
  18. S

    Turning fear into fire and finding your voice

    Hey everyone! In this video, I share an inspiring story from a viewer who found my content motivating enough to write me and share his own story. It’s a powerful reminder of why I began this adventure, despite being an introvert. If you’re passionate about your message, keep sharing it...
  19. T

    Google Algorithm Updates You Need to Know

    Strong online presence is essential for SaaS success. Google’s ever-evolving algorithms play a crucial role in determining your website’s visibility and ranking. Let’s dive into the key updates and strategies to enhance your SEO game: Mobile-First Indexing: Google now prioritizes mobile...
  20. C

    I analyzed the last 6 years of SaaS startups promoted on Reddit

    I spent the last 2 days scraping Reddit to collect a total of 18167 unique domains of promoted startups and other websites. The data comes from r/SideProject and r/SaaS as they seem to be the most common places to self-promote. It's not all exactly "startups", but about 95% of the links are...