
  1. A

    E&Y, Pitchbook, and others forecast a 40% decline in VC investing

    VC and Angel funding will decline by 40% in 2023, resulting in a net decline of $80B available to startups. This will create a more competitive and selective environment for new capital, and M&A activity will have a high bar. Startups should focus on business fundamentals, financial health, and...
  2. X

    Finished Building an AI Caller, Unsure About Launching – Advice?

    I made an AI caller, where one can talk with AI on a phone number. Had tweaked it to a use case: where I can delegate the AI to call someone on my behalf &hold the conversation. Once the call is done, it summarizes the conversation & sends it to my WhatsApp/Slack/other. Example, 1. Call...
  3. B

    What do you do if your boss or client doesn't understand the value of AI (or are worried about using it)?

    With AI, show is always, always, always better than tell. It's a new concept. It's a vague term. And it means different things to different people. So it's no wonder clients and management teams are sceptical, worried, or hesitant. They need to see, with their own eyes, how AI can: - Do the...
  4. L

    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    I researched over 5000 Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns. I identified 10 companies that I feel could become unicorns very soon based on several factors including growth rates, hiring trends, and leadership. I then ranked them on a few metrics and...
  5. N

    What are your pro tips for analyzing payments subscription data (e.g. Stripe)?

    Hey founders, how do you analyze and derive insights on your Subscription data? Specifically how do you calculate and report on metrics like MRR, churn rate, refund rate. And dimensions or insights to help understand where these metrics are most extreme? I know there are tools for later stage...
  6. S

    Turning fear into fire and finding your voice

    Hey everyone! In this video, I share an inspiring story from a viewer who found my content motivating enough to write me and share his own story. It’s a powerful reminder of why I began this adventure, despite being an introvert. If you’re passionate about your message, keep sharing it...
  7. T

    Google Algorithm Updates You Need to Know

    Strong online presence is essential for SaaS success. Google’s ever-evolving algorithms play a crucial role in determining your website’s visibility and ranking. Let’s dive into the key updates and strategies to enhance your SEO game: Mobile-First Indexing: Google now prioritizes mobile...
  8. C

    I analyzed the last 6 years of SaaS startups promoted on Reddit

    I spent the last 2 days scraping Reddit to collect a total of 18167 unique domains of promoted startups and other websites. The data comes from r/SideProject and r/SaaS as they seem to be the most common places to self-promote. It's not all exactly "startups", but about 95% of the links are...
  9. J

    L > no-code based credit subscription

    I'm building a shop based off webflow, and wondering if there are any services that allow for credit-based purchases (e.g. pay $100 for 50 credits). This is for a fitness-based application, where we need to give credits to clients for them to buy classes. Not interested to use ClassPass due to...
  10. J

    Here's my monster 96-point landing page optimization checklist created after analyzing 100+ SaaS LPs

    Over the last couple of years, I've analyzed 100+ SaaS websites helping their teams understand why their sites are not converting. All too often, they repeat the same mistakes over and over again. And these mistakes should be avoided at the stage of creating the landing page. Based on that, I...
  11. C

    I regret not launching my latest feature earlier

    Warning: If you have shiny object syndrome and get distracted easily, don’t take my advice here lolWanted to share a lesson from a launch that came way too late: Do the obvious thing. Lack of focus kills startups. We’ve all seen the founders so distracted by shiny objects that nobody...
  12. N

    Fresh new MVP ready to be roasted :D

    Hi guys, just shipped an MVP overnight: Initially was something I was using internally with few other people, now trying to see if makes sense to sell and if people would actually want it. Feel free to roast/give me tips, everything can be reshaped...
  13. A

    Since Stripe is not a MoR, do we switch to a different provider?

    Hello fellow redditors, We are a SaaS company, and use Stripe as our payment processor. However, since our sales will be global, it has come to our attention that we should have a MoR to take care of tax compliances in different companies. However, if we wish to have paddle, or FastSpring as...
  14. L

    SaaS startup struggling with traffic to your site?

    SaaS companies that easily ranked for keywords in top 10 positions a year ago and no longer do, this is for you: 1- The reason your ranking dropped is mostly NOT because of algorithm updates. 2- The keywords 12 months ago were easy + trending, which invited X competitors. 3- Those X number of...
  15. F

    Seeking Advice: Co-founder Troubles and the Future of Our Medical E-Learning Startup

    Hello Four months ago, I co-founded with a 50/50 partner, G. My focus is on the tech side, while G handles sales, marketing, and database collection. Operating on an annual subscription model, our platform is currently honing in on a specific niche—catering exclusively to medical...
  16. D

    My most important lesson as a SaaS founder

    My most important lesson as an entrepreneur was how to invalidate ideas quickly without spending thousands of dollars. Let’s face it – your idea is probably shit. I mean, it might not be, I hope you prove me wrong. I've been through 7 ideas in almost 3 months and invalidated each one. But I...
  17. O

    Launching LLM powered Stock Research website with open-source models

    On Day1 of my product launch, I would respectfully ask for early feedbacks from the community. I am a Solopreneur and took ~6 months to stitch multiple tech components together ranging from Data,LLMs, Servers, cloud services,front-end etc. Key features: Unlimited free chat without any sign-up...
  18. S

    3 stories over 25 years as a solopreneur

    3 stories with Mixed results Hi r/SaaS, In 2006, the first website I developed was a local Nashville Job Board Spent $1000 on a LegalZoom LLC Spent $200 on a GeoTrust SSL certificate Spent $4000 on a local news weather spot (a banner that ran on T.V. for 2 minutes a day, 20 days a month, 1...
  19. A

    Need help with b2b sales? I got you!

    Hi Y'all! I have some spare time and would like to help some (super) early stage SaaS to acquire their first b2b customers. Who am I? -8 Years+ tech sales rep. 2X FAANG. -Currently an Individual Contributor at one of the big 3 tech firms. I've sold millions in software products and...
  20. S

    ChatGPT for your data wharehouse

    Hey everyone! We spent a year working on an assistant that lives on top of your data warehouse and can answer questions about the data inside. You just connect your database and then ask the bot anything you want. The AI can write and execute SQL queries for you, draw charts and suggest what...