
  1. V

    Here is a list of 66 sites to promote your SaaS for free

    Here is a list of 66 websites to post about your project. I've also compiled Domain Authority(Ahref Domain Rating) for all the websites in the following list as a CSV file, which you can download for free, find the link at the bottom of the post. 10words .io 9sites .net activesearchresults...
  2. M

    6 founders building in public to follow.

    The #buildinpublic movement is everywhere right now - with everything from scrappy indie hackers on solo ventures, to VC-backed founders, transparently sharing their journeys for the world to see - and engage with. Here are 6 SaaS founders to learn from: 1. Adam Robinson - growing...
  3. K

    Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API

    We are required by Google to provide a YouTube video demonstrating how we'll use the data from scopes we ask permission for in our app. Has anyone gone through this process and can share some tips on how to complete this successfully?
  4. A

    I studied how Retool went from zero to a $3.2 Billion company in just 5 years. Here is what I found:

    Founded in 2017, Retool is a low-code tool that helps companies ship internal software fast. In 2023, Retool hit $93.5M in annual revenue, serving 500,000+ customers like Doordash, Mercedez-Benz, NBC etc. It last raised $45 million in its Series C2 round at a $3.2B valuation in 2022 and is...
  5. L

    From a no coder to founding and building an AI SaaS product. Introducing Learn about my journey and share yours too!

    Hey there! 👋 As someone who's been immersed in the world of technology, always learning of whats's new in the tech industry I took up a career in Tech from being a coder to a no coding role. After working in tech for 10+ years, Entrepreneurship happened during 4.5+ years ago. When I wanted to...
  6. G

    I studied how 7 Founders found their first 100 customers for their SaaS. Summarizing it here!

    I am learning SaaS marketing, and so I combed through the internet to find specific advice that helped founders reach 100 users and not random Google answers. Here’s what I found: 1. Llama Life by Marie Marie founder of Llama Life, a productivity app ($51.4K+ revenue) got her first 100 users...
  7. J

    Understanding of F&B based Marketplace

    Hello Everyone, I am working on a product i.e. a F&B based e-marketplace, i.e. supplier and restaurant side. I really wanted to understand the nuances of building such a product. Needed help if you can suggest me existing SaaS solutions that I could take inspiration from. Or any other...
  8. T

    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    What's up with all those posts lately? Everyday dozens of this kind of messages appear on the sub. No tech jobs left and people are trying all possible ways to get at least some job? or are those bots/scams mainly?
  9. Z

    How to get started with SaaS

    I see a lot of people wanting to start a SaaS business and I keep repeating myself. So consolidating all my thoughts in 1 thread. Background: 4x founder. 1st one was best value- company failed and I came out so much wiser. Current is $1000 and 4-6 weeks to save you a lot of...
  10. D

    Stop Building AI Tools For Fu@k Sake

    Dude, can you spend ten minutes researching if your stupid AI idea is worth building? everything now is just a template you buy a template ship a product and come here to complain why it failed You build a tool to generate content with AI to be consumed again With AI, building a business is not...
  11. M

    We had 122 signups last week. (zero marketing spend)

    Building a SaaS product is hard! Some folk make it sound easy, but for us it has been a grind! Our product is an all-in-one project management and wiki app for small teams ( and we found that it's an incredibly hard thing to build. We are obsessed with making it fast which...
  12. S

    Need Sales co-founder

    I am launching my SaaS which has potential of hitting $500M valuation in 5 years. The MVP (90% of the final product) is ready. I have a team of 11 people working. Its bootstrapped for an year. I am a technical founder. I would need an investor in next 6 months if I don't get revenue targets. I...
  13. T

    I’ve built 20%+ conversion rate landing pages. I’ll review yours for free

    Hi, my name is Luis. I’ve built landing pages for SaaS companies that convert 20%+ of cold ad traffic into paying customers. In my agency we charge up to $10k for a single landing page (based on initial fee + performance fee). Comment your landing page and I’ll give you free advice to increase...
  14. D

    My SaaS just crossed $1,000 in revenue in 4 months

    After being jobless from my high-paying job, I decided to build a Micro SaaS ofc. With zero marketing and sales knowledge, I started building this tool - together wityayayyyf the best marketing geniuses I know. I Had no clue how it would perform or if we would get even a single...
  15. O

    E-commerce owners! I’m building an AI phone agent that can do this:

    I’m building something for ecom owners that don’t want to deal with customer support. It’s an AI phone agent that answers all customer questions and can also check people’s order status. Check it out at and let me know your thoughts. Thank you for helping improve our industry!
  16. G

    How do I decide on a CRM?

    SaaS MVP about to launch. Never used a CRM before but I’m familiar with the basic concepts. Initial customers will be < 20 total and heavily vetted. I’m the business cofounder doing all the initial sales myself. Am I overthinking this? Update: Salesflare looks cool.
  17. C

    I spent 52 hours analyzing the best content format to earn links for SaaS

    So my team and I selected 100 websites from 43 different SaaS categories & looked into their "best by links" report in ahrefs We ignored homepages, product guides, and anything that could not be made for marketing purposes. Then we categorized the pages with the most number of links & 2nd...
  18. R

    Roast my Saas website mock-up

    I just designed my website for image generation and I'd love to get it roasted crisp! Website mock-up Mercy is not an option - 🍗 let the roast begin!
  19. M

    First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch

    Hi everyone, first time founder here. I’ve been working with a overseas dev, and I feel like im inching closer to the beta launch. But I am thinking… well it should have this before launch… and that… and can’t launch without this… How do I set those feelings aside? Im afraid that the app...
  20. J

    Funnel and P&L tracking

    Just wonder what everyone's using for tracking? For a B2B SaaS I'm using a Google spreadsheet which sources data from Google Analytics (web traffic and free trial registration) and Hubspot (conversion, churn, money in/out). Some specific data comes directly from our app. We're tracking: - web...