
  1. S

    How I made $1k revenue in 8 days?

    Hi guys, I am Bahauddin Aziz and I am building, it is a cold emailing SaaS aimed to make hyper-personalization at scale. I am sharing a story on how I made the first few dollars with this business with just an alpha product by independently doing lifetime deals. So basically...
  2. B

    My friend and I built a Micro-SaaS while working a 9 - 5 job during 2023

    1 year ago my friend and I wanted to build our own project from scratch. The freedom to build what we wanted and how we wanted really motivated us to take action. First month Since we both work a fulltime 9-5 job, we wanted to actually spend some time on investigating different ideas and...
  3. H

    Saas stack choice these days ?

    Hello, what is the most popular boilerplate these days saas-stack when you build your saas apps fast and can scale it easily ? It used be laravel-php like 10 years ago. It could be opensource or paid. (Open source is better😊) Thanks!
  4. T

    4 unexpected lessons I’ve learned after going through Y Combinator this year

    Hi all! I'm Daryna, one of the founders of OpenPhone. I've been reflecting on 2018, my experience of launching OpenPhone and going through YC Wanted to share my most unexpected lessons learned. I wish someone shared them with me a year ago. Here they are: Focus on customers who “have their...
  5. A

    Is the B2B SasS boom over? These companies are still rocket ships

    Here's a look at the Top 10 fastest growing B2B SaaS companies: 1) 2) Genesis Digital, LLC 3) Digital Convergence Technologies Inc. 4) Brivo 5) 6) Aithent Inc. 7) Café 8) Nintex 9) Thrive 10) SplashBI Based on QoQ headcount growth. Companies >100 employees. Source...
  6. D

    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    Like the title reads, it seems companies are working with design agencies less and less in favor of an internal team as that agency process is quite annoying with meetings, estimations, and a scope which 99% of the times needs revision and additional costs. Obviously having an internal...
  7. M

    What tool(s) do you use for A/B testing?

    As the title asks - what tool do you use for A/B testing your SaaS product? Looking for something simple and lightweight to integrate with and shows all the metrics from each experiment. For context, we have a JavaScript/React Frontend and a Node backend. Thanks!
  8. M

    This week's micro-SaaS acquisition opportunities: No-code GPT builder, code snippet library, knowledge management..

    Hey everyone, here are the micro-SaaS businesses that went up for sale last week: 💰 Businesses for sale ($0-$1k) Source quotes for every occasion: ⊘ Build mini AI Apps in seconds with no code: $690 No-code custom GPT creation platform: $1k Upload documents and ask AI questions about them: $1k...
  9. D


    I believe that as entrepreneurs, we have not fully utilised TikTok (representing shorts). We're still focused on "optimising for SEO," a process that takes years to generate traffic. Meanwhile, TikTok offers the potential for huge traffic with just a single 30-second video. When was the last...
  10. M

    This dev guy got a PhD in deceit!!!

    So, I hired a dev guy who practically lied to impress us during the hiring stage but literally cannot do shit. I mean, I don't know how he did it, it's crazy. Myself and my senior dev guy are looking at each other like "whose fault is this?” He must have ChatGPT'ed his answers during the...
  11. E

    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    Hey guys! I did a similar thread here a while back & it was pretty fun, so thought I'd do a round 2. Tl;dr, you drop your SaaS website and I'll give it a good roasting. This includes feedback on SEO, general marketing, landing page copy, how you present your product, and so on. How this works...
  12. N

    Can I create your company's product promo video for ✨free✨?

    I run - a video production service for SaaS companies. In 2022 we helped three growing startups by creating their explainer videos for free. In 2023 planned on creating 12 videos for 12 amazing companies for ✨ free ✨ (about $3k in value/video) So if you want us to create a...
  13. S

    Am i doing this wrong? Your views on pre-launch m.v.p..

    Prevailing wisdom says build a landing page and do pre-sales before writing a single line of code. But is this always the right advice? What happens if your SaaS has a simple value proposition but a deep technical moat behind-the-scenes to deliver it reliably, robustly and simply? To get...
  14. J

    Paddle requires domain verification for every subdomain you want to launch checkout from

    I'm developing a SaaS service and I'd like to use Paddle as a merchant of records. Tenants signs up to my service for a 7 days free period, and after that they need to pay a subscription to continue using the service. I assign a subdomain to each tenant (e.g. and I was thinking...
  15. M

    UI/UX Designer Making $100k in Revenue Building Shopify Apps

    Hello, Idris here!. This week I want to share a summarised version of my interview with Erikas Mališauskas, A UI/UX designer making 100k in revenue building shopify apps You can find the full case study here In the interview, Erikas Mališauskas talks about starting KachingAppz, building the...
  16. C

    How to drive traffic to your SaaS with 0 followers

    Hello! I recently pre-launched my SaaS and was able to get 95,000 in organic traffic with 0 followers. The main thing I did was concentrate on organic ranking platforms. Best examples Include Reddit Tiktok Youtube / instgram reels X / Twitter communities If you make interesting posts or...
  17. J

    AI Founders: Show Off Your WIP at SeedHustle's First Demo Day!

    SeedHustle's AI Founders Demo Day is a virtual event featuring the latest WIP (Work-In-Progress) products from AI entrepreneurs like you! Do you have an AI-powered project? This is your chance: What's going to happen? *3 exclusive demos of advanced AI innovation from 3 founders...
  18. J

    We got over 2,000 waitlist signups in 7 months. Here's what worked for us

    Hey everyone, I'm a founder who has started up multiple ventures in the past. Most have failed but each time (for some reason) I kept bouncing back and trying again. One thing I found during my career was to build a waitlist and test our different landing pages to drive growth even before...
  19. J

    [Q] Any affiliate providers for small B2B SaaS?

    I need a platform with a pool of affiliate partners to sell my B2B product. Partnerstack looks good but their no self-serve no pricing approach (need to book a demo with sales rep) makes it look like I might not be the right client - not big enough. I would appreciate any suggestions or...
  20. J

    How well do you know your SaaS brand identity? Complete the form below to get clarity on your brand strategy

    It takes just 10 minutes to complete. And once done you'll have a far better understanding of your brand. The form covers the following parts of your brand: 1. Visual keywords 2. Brand discovery 3. Market positioning / Competitor analysis 4. Customer targeting 5. Messaging 6. Website...